Oppo PM3 Headphones For Sale

No, not mine.  Someone is selling a nice pair at what appears to be a reasonable price and I just wanted to let you know they are really, really good.  I own a pair of $1000 Grado G1000s and I think the Oppo, it's own way, is right up there with it.  Of course it's closed-back, so it's always going to sound different.  
Okay, just letting you know.  No relation to the seller so caveat emptor please.  
I never saw the obviously inflammatory post that was removed, but just to clarify - Many of us, including myself, recently purchased Oppo gear and there is a substantial amount of price-gouging going on with both the DVD players and headphones.  I saw a nice pair of PM3s up at a decent price and I just thought I would point them out to my Audiogon friends, as they sound very, very good plugged into the Oppo 205 headphone jack. 
So that's it.  I don't know the seller and make no representations about his/her honesty or the condition of the product for sale.  But I do guarantee that this was the last time I'll bother doing this. No good deed...
The OP said they are not his and they are not selling any.
Just letting fellow members know if they saw it and wondered on SQ that in their opinion they are pdg!
Sounds reasonable to me.....
Post removed