Oppo 205 guagers selling used units for twice the price...

You can't blame those individuals that are trying to sell their (used) UDP-205's for twice the price (several even posted on the site for 2k+). That's not this focus.. If someone is willing to pay, so be it. My favorite Wall Street quote, "The illusion has become real, and the more real it becomes, the more desperately they want it".

That said, I feel it’s my fellow audiophile duty to save those willing to pay opportunist their gouging offers. Remember, Oppo is a Chinese company, aka the wild west of capitalism (if there is a market they will sell into it). The 205 sold out within just 2-3 days after the oppo announcement throughout North America. Knowing that Oppo has added a registration button "we might make another production run" and knowing how fast the current stock sold out, they have a huge private pre-order list. That is GOLD in terms of any company's sales/production projections/risks. They will be making another production run! Don't pay these ----'ers a cent. You'll get a brand new factory fresh machine soon enough.


Showing 6 responses by morg111

@nonoise- Everything i’ve seen says it’s a Chinese company: 


Shocked me too. Never thought they were cablabe of making a standout product, just copying others.
@nonoise- to be specific BBK is the parent company and that is Chinese. The Menlo Park address is just their USA Subsidiary.

Just received email from oppo confirming my email address.

“E-mail Address Validation for OPPO UDP-205 Interest List (NO REPLY)”

So we are off...next step, purchasing a brand new oppo 205 for $1299. All those who bought them to gouge us, hope you you enjoy your new and possibly 2nd 205....lol.

I couldn't help myself... I posted in 205 gougers listings:

" You do realize you are stuck with that machine, right? Received my email from oppo yesterday confirming they are producing more at retail price $1,299 and that I will be notified soon to make the purchase. "


Yeah...I also got some nasty responses. One guy said he had already sold 10 of them at $2500, so I can go *** myself.

His poor grammar and inside knowledge of just how many units they are producing and how many emails they received requesting units made me think he was a peoples republic spawn connected to the company. Like I said in my post that started this whole discussion:  [china is] "the wild west of capitalism (if there is a market they will sell into it)".

That goes double if they think they can make an even bigger profit.

I was the original poster, the reason I stopped posting is cause I got my unit from oppo back at the end of June after receiving notice from them that “my number was called”.

Felt good not being gouged!!!