OPPO 105; how to beat it and at what price?

I am in the process of building my reference system around my new Wilson Alexia’s. I am currently using the OPPO 105. How much would I have to spend to get a significant audible improvement? What would that unit be?
Ricevs I’m impressed with your response. Very balanced. I have decided since I am a two channel audio guy I should focus on that. I’m now looking at the Esoteric K-01 new or used. I am also very keen on learning about High Res download/player capabilities (i.e. computer based music server). My new system is so revealing that my SACD’s are the the only thing I enjoy any more. Perhaps redbook on OPPO is not that great. In any event its clear I need a big step up to match my new system.
Sorry for my fact error above and if I overstepped my bounds, Ric...not out to put words into anyone's mouth, but I still get carried away when I gush sometimes - especially during happy hour...(sigh)
I highly recommend that you contact Ric Schultz at EVS (tweakaudio.com) I had him do an all out mod on my 105d and I am very pleased with the results. I now have a world class very versatile player. See my post from June 12.
Ditto a Ric Shultz modified Oppo 105. It beat an Esoteric I had for an in house addition.
As an end note to this thread my Esoteric K-01 arrived today and right out of the box my reaction was WOW. I didn't think it was possible to get that kind of improvement. Obviously one would expect this for the price difference. I often think some of this crazy high end gear is more hype than real improvement. Maybe I'll start believing that cables make a major difference (not there yet)?