I'd put the amp on the 4.8V sensitivity and then you should be able to run the Oppo, but before you put in a CD, turn the volume down!
Oppo 105 and Power Amplifier Input Sensitivity
Novice here and needing some advice! Yesterday, I picked up an Oppo 105 to use as my pre/pro for a dedicated 2-channel listening setup. Until I get a set of XLRs, I am using the unbalanced RCAs. I was reading that the output on the oppo is 2.1V unbalanced and 4.2V balanced. I am running the Oppo straight to my Krell S-275 which has an input sensitivity selectable, 2.4 V or 4.8 V - stereo. Using the analog volume control, could I experience clipping that could blow tweeters or my amp? I have read about the 15x rule of thumb on input impedance, but what about the input sensitivity? The Krell is powering B&W Nautilus 804S's. I just want to be sure I don't have to worry about watching the volume when I'm tying one on! ;) Again, sorry for the noob questions. I'm usually a safety third type of guy, but not when it comes to my precious equipment, Ha!
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