Looking for a new cartridge to replace my current Sumiko moving coil. My turntable is the Prime Scout by VPI. The Dynavector cartridge was recommended to me model # DV20X2-H/L. It comes in 2 variations, one high output and one low output depending on your particular set up. Is anybody familiar with this cartridge? I believe the retail is $1250.00 which fits by proposed budget. Would not be adverse to spending a little more if there is another cartridge that would be substantially better.  Thank you.


VPI usere here.

If you can up the budget a little more-Audio Techinica ART9.


Needs around 60db's of phono stage gain.

Search the archives to see how popular it is.

You will hear a lively, dynamic presentation and get an idea of what the $uper carts do-assuming  you have a competent phono stage.



I don't have a lot of experience with cartridges but the DV20x2L was my first MC cartridge and it convinced me to get into vinyl. I can't compare it with others except to say that it gave me that "wow" experience with vinyl almost giving up on the idea of playing vinyl. 

I have DV20x L which I have used in rotation with other cartridges which have included a Clearaudio Maestro, a high output MC; a Sumiko Blue Point no.2, a high output MC; and other comparable and higher end carts. 

Bottom line: I love the dynamic, forward sound of the Dynavector.  Some carts may have a little more detail and air but the Dynavector, for me, is surprisingly involving because of it's strong sound.  I prefer a low output MC mated to a SUT instead of high output.  I found the DV20x L a great cartridge.  If the DV20x2 L is better, then I'm confident it would be quite satisfying.