Opinions on the current market

I’ve been reading extensively, trying to narrow down the best option for a tube pre to add to my system. The nature of the hobby is such that I expect to try a few different options, so I’m curious about people’s opinions on the market right now. Figuring I’ll have to resell whatever i try, I’d like to ‘buy right’ now. I’m not by nature an equipment flipper, but there are just too many possible options to expect to get it right first time. Anyone else looking at prices now, with informed opinions of whether the market is good or not for a buyer?

Showing 2 responses by three_easy_payments

Markets aren’t always equally as good for buyers and sellers. Liquidity of inventory is a major factor. Just look at periods of time or geographies that affect real estate. Tell me the time to sell your house was best in 2009 when prices were plunging and foreclosures ruled. That was a buyers market! It’s also not the greatest opportunity to buy a home when there is no inventory and buyers engage in bidding wars often sight unseen. To categorize markets, including used and new audio gear, as equally beneficial to both parties as a constant is deeply flawed analysis. If folks need to raise cash they will sell at deeper discounts and that is a better opportunity for the buyer...this isn’t difficult calculus. I don’t care how "good" of a buyer you are, the seller isn’t going to sell the item to you at a price lower than what he knows he can fetch within 24 hrs from someone else. Stock markets work the same....look for periods of time when we’ve drifted far from the mean and assess. No one has ever heard the expression "sell into strength and buy into weakness"????

As we now have surpassed 30 million lost jobs in just a couple of months it would tough to categorize the period we are entering as anything but a buyer's market soon.  I don't think we've seen anything close to full impact of this effect yet from the current crisis.
I would rather be holding US Dollars right now over any other world paper currency. Just look at the USD outperform every world currency since the beginning of the year as the demand for dollars is running off the charts. This being fueled in part by fears of Europe cancelling its currency and the IMF even talking about launching a program to address the global shortage of dollars! The fact that the IMF is talking about providing a backup to the Fed’s campaign to help Central banks but creating a repo market for them to get dollars shows just how incredible the shortage of US dollars is. Yep, give me US dollars any day in our current environment.  This could create a great buying opportunity for US consumers to purchase audio gear for example being sold in Europe in the near future.