Opinions on preamps

I am considering upgrading my pre amp. My system is as follows:
Sonic Frontiers SFL2
VAC Renaissance 70 MKlll
Klyne 7 PX3.5 phono
Verity Parsifal Encores
Basis Debut
Graham 2.0
Clearaudio Accurate
Dedicated room with much attention to details (wires, set up, isolation)

The weak link in my system is the SFL2 preamp. I am considering the following:
Wyetech Opal
Emotive Sira

Anyone familiar with these items.
Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated

Thank You

Showing 1 response by mbhcid

I've heard the Hovland - nice, but too noisy. The Sira is very nice, but getting a bit pricey (IMO). I haven't heard the Opal, but would keep it on the short list based upon build quality and positive reviews.
Have you considered a Fi, or Audio Note linestage?? They are both very musical. I own the Fi full-function pre and compared it to both the Sira and Hovland before purchasing. A friend owns the AN M-2 pre and I have borrowed it on occasion - very nice and the one I would own if I hadn't already invested in the Fi.

Good Luck!