I've heard the Hovland - nice, but too noisy. The Sira is very nice, but getting a bit pricey (IMO). I haven't heard the Opal, but would keep it on the short list based upon build quality and positive reviews.
Have you considered a Fi, or Audio Note linestage?? They are both very musical. I own the Fi full-function pre and compared it to both the Sira and Hovland before purchasing. A friend owns the AN M-2 pre and I have borrowed it on occasion - very nice and the one I would own if I hadn't already invested in the Fi.
Good Luck!
Have you considered a Fi, or Audio Note linestage?? They are both very musical. I own the Fi full-function pre and compared it to both the Sira and Hovland before purchasing. A friend owns the AN M-2 pre and I have borrowed it on occasion - very nice and the one I would own if I hadn't already invested in the Fi.
Good Luck!