Opinions on best integrated under 10k?

Father Christmas has been early and left me a very sizable bonus check!
So time to spend it before the other half can....

Looking at building another system but thinking of just a very high power integrated amp.
Wish list...
200w or more.
Balanced inputs
Digital inputs
Phono inputs

A quick look shows items like McIntosh ma7900 and Mark levinson ml585 which both seem to fulfill all or the majority of my wants.
Sure there are others.
So thoughts and any current or previous owners of suitable candidates please chime in
Thank you in advance

Thanks for the update.  I've come close to pulling the trigger on that Ayre a few times, but a little underpowered for the speakers I had at the time.

I'm really interested in how the Esoteric sounds compared to the Lyngdorf for digital.  Looks like the D-07 is an older DAC.  I wonder how it compares to all the new technology digital has made recently.  I'm looking at DACs now too, and there are tons of older models for great prices.  Very tempting.
There are a number of things I have learned on this journey of integrateds.
I really do not need to spend 10k to get what I need, heck there are some super little integrateds out there for peanuts, take the Vincent sv236 for instance, can be had for 1k used!
Also if you truly do get a full all in one well then you are stuck with that house sound for every aspect, dac, phono, headphone etc. If you can live with that perfect, if not and you want to change one aspect well then you need buy that component , add it into the mix and then you defeated the whole object of that integrated...lol.

So not sure where I will end up yet, maybe I will just end buying a MA7900 or ML585 and be done with it all.
Maybe I will keep the 2170 and ph10 and schitt magni as it works well.
Maybe I will go back to all seperates again.

Interesting voyage!
" So not sure where I will end up yet, maybe I will just end buying a MA7900 or ML585 and be done with it all. "
Yeah, you're about where I am in thinking about this whole thing.  There is also the new(ish) Anthem STR integrated, which has DAC and also phono.  Right now, the top of my list is the ML 585, after hearing it at AXPONA.  The McIntosh integrateds include phono and are more versatile, but they just don't sound like the 585. The new ML 585.5 also includes a top flight phono stage, but will set you back a pretty penny. 
There are a number of things I have learned on this journey of integrateds....if you truly do get a full all in one well then you are stuck with that house sound for every aspect, dac, phono, headphone etc.

To your point @uberwaltz .... which is why a 'classic' integrated (pre and amp) makes more sense to me vs. a 'super' integrated (all in one).
Think I am coming to that conclusion.
Which is why it will be interesting to see how the esoteric DAC and Ayre ax7e fare in my setup.
With that I can still run my headphone amp from the tape out and ph10 phono in on one set of balanced inputs.
We will see
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@yyzsantabarbara   Are the Vitus SIA-025 or SIA-30??? not under consideration?
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So my Ayre AX7E arrived this morning in one piece, quite an achievement considering it was packed by a UPS store and shipped from California to Florida, a hot subject in another thread!
Connected it up to the Esoteric d07 DAC and my analog sources, cassette, cdp and phono.
Have to say with the Triangle Altea ESW speakers it is just to bright.
Changed out the speakers to my Scansonic MB2.5 and I would say the balance is just right.
Now is it better than the Lyngdorf 2170?
Hard call that will need time to evaulate but unfortunately this week I am back to work after my enforced "vacation" and in Dallas, Texas all week, just where I wanted to start again!
Sure these are infamous last words but... I am done for now.

Time to just sit back and enjoy the music.

Current system as it stands right now.

Ayre AX7E integrated
Mytek Brooklyn dac
Nottingham Analog tt
Goldnote PH10 phono
Pioneer SACD player
Nakamichi cassette player
Bluesound Vault 2
Schiit Vali headphone amp
Audeze el-8 open back headphones.
Triangle Altea ESW speakers
All Nordost ic and sc.
Homemade pc
Equicore 1800 power.

Last couple of years has seen a lot of changes and a lot not always for the better but this combo in my room to my ears is sublime. Nothing stunning about any one item but the synergy just gelled.
I am done for now. Time to just sit back and enjoy the music. ... the synergy just gelled.

@uberwaltz  Congratulations. Wonderful to hear!
The Gryphon Diablo 120 doesn’t get nearly as much play as the 300.

Here is a review (including the DAC module). Author: Uday Reddy // SoundStage!HI-FI

Very nice review of a great looking and likely sounding amp.

You trying to bankrupt me David?

Luxman L509X if you can live with an external DAC. 220 watts in 4ohms. I'd buy L509X used for 7500 and get their DA-06 DAC used for another 2500 and be done for a while. It's a sublime combination.

Mark levinson ml585 if you cannot live with an external DAC.

I would not touch MCINTOSH. Just look at the internals as compared to the above amps. MCINTOSH is all about the looks anymore.
The review is as senseless as most, I am not even sure he burned it in before listening for at least 100 hours.  The most important thing he said was that Flemming Rasmussen had retired. That's bad, who knows what is going to happen with Gryphon.
Diablo 300 is $5k more. If buying new I would not even think about Diablo 120, the difference is not just power. Also, you can have both phono and dac in Diablo 300. 
If you can afford $11k for 120 you can afford $16k for 300. Just sell a few records that you will never listen if this difference matters.
Go people, go.
I am afraid I do not agree on what one can afford.
If one has a budget of 10k, they MIGHT be able to stretch another grand, might.
Very doubtful they could go to 16k though.
If I say I have 10k to spend then that is what it means,not 14, 15,16, 17k etc.

I do not think it at all reasonable to think someone who can spend 11k can spend 16k.

If so we would all have absolute top flight amps and drive Aston Martin's and all the Chevy Sonics would be sitting on dealers lots unsold. Or preferably just crushed.
That has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with your broad sweeping generalization that someone spending 11k CAN afford to spend 16k.

Totally irrelevant imho.
Lol, Inna.
Glad you did not take offense, I was maybe a little harsh!

No Gryphon or Vitus or similar for me no.

I am quite happy with my little Ayre ax7e for now, it does everything I need and my tt via the phono into balanced inputs has never sounded so good.

Now I do have new speakers on the way to test against the Triangles, will see how that goes.
Diablo 300's used have shown up 3-4 times on Audiogon in the past few months for 9-11K. You have to grab them quick cause they sell in 1-2 days.
Yes, the used Diablo 300's go very quick once they are listed for sale.  Some are 220V and/or selling from overseas, so they are no good for me.  I would be interested to get a 120V one in good condition for around $7-8k.
120v Diablo 300 for 7-8k??

I would say get in line!

Doubt that is going to happen anytime soon
@uberwaltz  They are out there, but as RIAA mentioned earlier you will need to move quickly. If you go with a Euro spec unit (many more available, and lower prices) make sure Gryphon is willing to convert to US spec (I don't think you want to go the step-up transformer route).

I've also seen the Vitus SIA-025 (Mk2) close to the top of your budget range.

As you know, I have the T+A PA 3100 HV and am extremely happy with it. Their 3000 units can be had for close to the upper range of your budget, also.

These top tier integrateds are worth every dollar (and more) that you'll be investing in them, should you go forward with one. I encourage you to be patient and move accordingly. All the best.

Not for me, just commenting that never seen one at that price point.

I blew my amp money a long time ago, LOL. I did not spend it quick enough so someone else assisted me!

Quite happy with the Ayre ... For now!
Kevin, thought you were still in the hunt. : )

Good to know you are sticking with the Ayre. 
It's easy to find out if Gryphon would convert to 120 V. Good step up transformer, not $50 Chinese, should be alright with Gryphon, I suspect. Overseas transactions would worry me more than this.
A Diablo 300 is on the Agon right now, located in Singapore, a 220v version and priced where I would expect at 12.5 k not in the 7 to 8k range.
Course if it ever sells at that price in todays market is entirely another matter indeed!
Plus a decent step up transformer is required.
uberwaltz, sounds like you are done for now but when, or if you get the upgrade bug again be sure to check out the new Ayre EX-8. It has a great built-in DAC and headphone amp and seems to meet most of your initial criteria. I too own the AX-7e along with an Ayre Codex DAC and the EX-8 sounds much better in my system. The AX-7e is no slouch and in combination with the Codex sounds really good. YMMV of course but in my system it is a dramatic improvement. Good Luck!
Some crazy Japanese audiophiles use two transformers to change voltage up and down and claim it sounds better. Acupwr.com transformers look good to me. No, he probably won't sell it to the US for $12.5k, $10k maybe.

Finally found one at a very fair price.

Ayre EX-8 fully pimped out including dac and streaming boards.

On its way to me now, here Friday.

Its going to be great a weekend!
If all pans out as I hope I am going to be happy indeed.
Funny world as I so nearly pulled the trigger on a Boulder 865 over the weekend but decided its feature set was just as spartan as the ax7e.
This should allow me to replace an amp, dac, streamer and headphone amp with just one box, one HIGH quality box.
Lots more room on the rack, lots less cables and power cords.


I never imagined the ex8 would be SO much better than the ax7e.

But in every aspect it trounced it, and that is very hard for me to say as I loved the ax7e!

I think I am now in audio nirvana.

Do not disturb!

Ayre is doing some incredible things in their designs. I quite enjoy the AX-5 Twenty integrated amp. I never thought about owning an integrated amp over separates?  Happy Listening!


I LOVE it!

Can I patent it David?


This IS the super integrated I have been searching for!

Ubervana indeed!
Worked out is an understatement.

Very very happy indeed.

The way this amp seems to get a vice like grip on the drivers is impressive.

With no other change at all bass response and bass extension has improved dramatically.

So far I would say it's most impressive feature and results are in its streaming capability, a bonus as I thought this may have been more like an add on afterthought.

Way superior to the Aries Mini streamed through the AX7e in every aspect honestly it is so much better its not even a comparison.



I may be working on an Ayre set-up myself. It is going to be interesting while watching Ryan Berry take the helm after Charles' passing.

Happy Listening!

For the past (almost) 40 years, I have had SO many integrateds in my home it is almost shameful. Both tubes and solid state. Both well-known manufacturers and exotic, rare birds (with rarer distribution and support.)

My all-time most enjoyable components in the solid-state camp, (I can mention tubes in another post):

Second place: Norma Audio IPA-140.

This is a somewhat unknown integrated in North-America, but with a good history in Europe. I beleive Singer in N.Y. still carries it. A minimalist design, with world-class build quality (except maybe for the volume knob (not the volume control system). It is a hollow design that "rings a bit" when you tap your fingernalis on it. Not sure if it affects the sound, I think not, but it still bothered me a bit.  A sonic purity that is addictive and compares to more expensive units, as the Norma in itself is quite expensive hovering around 10K

First place: Yamaha AS3000. Yes, and integrated with tone controls. This has nothing to do with your usual Yamaha fare. A statement product if there ever was one, and I believe a future classic. .After owning many boutique high-end units, this integrated has it all. Build quality that rivals (and surpasses Accuphase in a few areas actually). There are so many things that can be said about the build quality, design, parts quality and exceptionnal fit and finish that it can only be appreciated going beyond photographs. Sound is neutral yet very somptuous with an extremely large soundstage with 3D depth, with just a very slight character of sweetness to it. Bass is exceptionnally well-defined. And those tone controls that are so subtle yet get out of the way...And the look is stunning, at least for me, with those cut-glass enclosed view meters with that delicate off-white glow that can be turned off (but why would you, it's LED lifetime duration). In fact the shade of white reminds me of my favorite tube color, the 572 tubes from a previous Cary SET monoblock system.

Audio is about sound of course, but also about beautifull and inspiring creations and ownership experience. Above all, it is about being moved with a personnal connection to the artist. This Yammy does it all for me. Always very subjective of course.

Read my review of this unit from 2018 to get more details.


are you still using the Pioneer SACD player w/ the EX-8 integrated?

Happy Listening!


The Pioneer SACD player is in,my second system.

In my main system the few silver discs I spin are handled by an OPPO modwright bdp80.


Very nice. I look forward in reading more about the EX-8 after it has time settled into your room and system.  Happy Listening!


So far I am probably impressed the most by its streaming performance.

This I believe is partly due to the simplicity of the path, network cable in and music out. No other boxes or cables in the signal path to introduce jitter.

Within five minutes of playing Quboz I had a huge grin , the level and depth of bass especially was such a marked improvement from previous that I had to check the room to see if anybody had snuck in a pair of subs while I was not looking.

Seriously, there is a whole new dimension to music whether streamed or cd or analog.

If I had to nitpick I could have wished for a little more gain on the rca analog inputs, although as both are fed by vintage tape decks that likely do not have high output themselves that could be as much of the problem right there.

And the volume display is idiotic, it is a bar graph, please Ayre just give me some good old large numerals.

Look for a more in depth review as time gets under my belt with it.
Question for anybody who owns the EX8 as well or has knowledge of this aspect.

The manual states you can connect a USB drive to one of its USB host ports and be able to play music files contained theirin.

However I see no way to actually access or see the files on the USB drive.

Anybody know how?

Well I got it figured.

When it said USB flash drive it seems it REALLY meant just a flash drive!

Would not read or recognize my Western Digital USB hard drive but plug an actual flash drive into same socket and files are then found under the mconnect app.

I wonder if it is because the USB hard drive probably needs 5v USB power to actually spin? Very likely now I think about it and these USB ports are probably not outputting USB power.
Thank You for the updates on your EX-8. I can relate to the quality of Ayre products. I will take a different audio path, as I am wonderfully attached, on CD/SACD discs. That was the quality factor which struck me with the AX-5 Twenty- it is a straight up (simple) integrated amp. DAC/Server/Streamer capabilities via the QX-5 Twenty sold separately.

Happy Listening!
Keep me posted on the fuse changing/rolling on your Ayre gear. Meanwhile, check out my newest DX-5 acquisition over on Virtual Systems.
Happy Listening!