One Amp To ‘Rule’ Them All....

Is there one amplifier that everyone can agree on as a contemporary standard? An amplifier that can be considered a standard in both the studio and in a home stereo setup?

What one amplifier does everything very well and can be found in homes and in professional audio engineering environments?

What amp covers all the bases and gives you a glimpse into all qualities of fine musical reproduction?

...something Yamaha? ...something McIntosh?


Showing 3 responses by tablejockey

What thread question will incite silly arguments and bring out the know it alls?

The OP has been a member for 3 years.You would think being here that long...oh nevermind.

I'm glad you're not offended by my response but, as you can see be the other posts, your phrasing of such a question is begging for it.

You're on point with those statements. Perhaps your original question should be reworked to ask if there are any particular models that are more often used?

The post suggests singling out "the best," which always guarantees a thread gets out of control.