On hearing and listening.

They are very different things

Some people might have amazing hearing, but are not very good at listening, to either what they are listening to, or saying.

This is really important for audiophiles, and, for everyone in general in order to live a meaningful life.

Great hearing is of no value if one can’t listen...

hearing nounhear·​ing | ˈhir-iŋ
Definition of hearing

1a: the process, function, or power of perceiving soundspecifically : the special sense by which noises and tones are received as stimulib: EARSHOT2a: opportunity to be heard, to present one’s side of a case, or to be generally known or appreciated
1: a listening to arguments
2: a preliminary examination in criminal procedurec: a session (as of a legislative committee) in which testimony is taken from witnesses
3: chiefly dialectal : a piece of news

Definition of listen

transitive verb

archaic : to give ear to : HEAR

intransitive verb

1: to pay attention to sound listen to music
2: to hear something with thoughtful attention : give consideration listen to a plea
3: to be alert to catch an expected sound listen for his step


Showing 1 response by erik_squires

I design my speakers and set up my room so I don’t have to hear.

I’m not trying to be obtuse, but relaxing my brain so I am no longer being analytical is my goal. I want to use the stereo to transport me, like being at the top of a mountain range, where you can see to the edges of the earth. That kind of relaxation and experience is what I want aurally.

One thing I've found, and has been written about by real scientists, is the amount of energy I spend filtering out room acoustics really gets to me, so for me at least, that's the first thing I need to enjoy myself.  Good room acoustics.
