older CD transport vs newer ones.

I added a fairly inexpensive CD transport to my DCS Rossini DAC/Clock and am shocked how much better it sounds spinning a disc vs streaming it.  It's not even a close call.  I was thinking of bettering my CD transport and was looking at options such at the Jay's CD transport.  There are also options such as Mark Levinson 31.5 which was a 10K unit in it's day.  Any thoughts on the best way to go?  I get a little worried about one of these older units breaking and not being able to get it fixed.  

Showing 7 responses by charles1dad

  • "All transport does is spin the cd and a laser reads it, signal to your dad.

       Don’t waste money on a CD player without a dac. The tascam CD player is good and reliable, the sound comes from your dac," 
If this has been your listening experience,  so be it. This is the antithesis of mine.

I definitely agree that this topic has been discussed frequently and across many different audio forums. Anecdotally it seems that owners/listeners  with access to both  say high quality CD transport beats high quality ripped files and streamers (60 to 40 or thereabouts).

Not scientific by any means and bottom line seems to be both are capable of excellent sound if the hardware is up to the task. The convenience factor of streaming and stored ripped file library is undeniably huge. There are very happy listeners in either camp.
"Moved to a PS Audio PWT (memory player that was/is also 12 years old and listed for $4000) and the PWT blew the CD8 away."

Yes your experience with the P.S.Audio PWT mirrors my very good outcome. I had an early generation Esoteric with the VRDS mechanism/assembly. I used it for years and it was very good sounding (And reliable it still works fine today). Direct comparison to the PWT in my system the PWT was better sounding and more musically engaging.

@sns and others had different experiences with it. This is nothing new, diverse opinions and listening impressions are part and parcel in High End audio. Personal taste,system synergy etc. I do think that the Pro-Ject RS2 BOX is extremely intriguing with the latest "top loading CD" Stream Unlimited technology (And Blue Tiger servo board) and attention to detail and built quality. This thread has produced some very interesting and insightful commentary.

"If I were to ever push for an upgrade I would prolly go with the PS Audio Perfect Wave used"

The P.S. Audio PWT has stood the test of time. I've been very happily using it in my system the past 8 or 9 years.  Fellow PWT owners who have purchased or heard the Pro-Ject RS2 Box transport report it surpasses the PWT. This is high praise in my opinion as the PWT is an excellent sounding unit. 
"And I'm not trying to say that a better transport won't be better in some circumstances, but this seems like one of those things that has a very quickly reached point of diminishing returns."

Some may feel that way. I believe that the design, engineering,  built construction,  power supply quality and implementation are just as meaningful for a CD transport as any other electronic/audio component
But as I noted above,  for some the transport for whatever reason is viewed as not as important as the DAC.

Some are of the belief that a "decent" CD player or transport is enough to get the job done. In my listening experiences,  the better the CD transport,  the better the sound quality. 

"All transports that conform to the CD Redbook standard will output the exact same data bits regardless of whether they come from cheap DVD players, CD players or boutique high-end transports. That's the Facts of Life, kids!"

This in my opinion is poor and misguided advice regardless of how well meaning and sincere it may be. DACs get much more coverage and attention but I believe that the quality of the CD transport is as crucial to achieving exceptional sound.

@ejlif I would encourage you to at the very least look into and learn more about the Pro-Ject RS2 CD BOX Transport. In my opinion you should get the best quality transport you can comfortably afford to pair with your high level dCS Rossini and extract its full potential. Contrary to what some others may espouse,  CD transport quality is vitally important and takes no back seat to the DAC.
Best of luck, 