Old Vandersteen model 2 vs. newer model 2

Hi I'm thinking about getting some older model 2's with serial numbers in the 321000 range.  I know they made some tweaks in the later models.  I have no way to compare them.  How different do the newer models sound?  Thanks!


I have the 2CE Sig II speakers and yes they do sound better when out into the room and away from side walls. I added stereo Rythmik subs and that really increased the bottom end (but they were already very good). IMO the 2CEs are the best bargain for high fidelity that Vandersteen offers. They really start to go up in price after the 2CE. To me the Treos, Quattros and up... are too expensive but they do sound very good. There are just too many other speaker brands and designs that one could choose from at the higher price points.

I’m not convinced that an older pair of 2cs will be an upgrade over the NHT 2.9s. You might wish you hadn’t done that.



After reading the description of your living room, I strongly suggest a nice pair of headphones......



Ozzy, Your comment got me thinking more that i have not thought this through at the system level.  I did not mention that back when I was trying to decide between the NHT 2.9s and Snell Es I discovered that creating an offset "linear array" with the Snells on a high shelf above the NHTs sounds the best.  They are both bi-amped, so I drive with 4 amps total.  Now that I think about it, this will probably mess with the imaging of of Vandersteens, unless i ditch the Snells.

Right now it sounds quite good despite the room, though imaging could be better, but maybe only in theory, not my room.

I would not be trading tne NHTs but would end up selling what ever speakers are 2nd best after testing.  The vandys are going to have to sound a lot better for me to win over my wife given the decorating downgrade.

You are never going to get good imaging with two different pairs of speakers firing directly at you. Just a thought....

You are never going to get good imaging with two different pairs of speakers firing directly at you. Just a thought....

Have you heard the Moabs? 😉 @ozzy62