OK, I can't resist. I purchased an Apt preamp and amp early enough that the manuals were still in preliminary form - I received final versions later. I still have the preamp, but it had been in its box for 15+/- years until a couple of weeks ago. I pulled iy out and set it up on the bench to use the headphone outputs and play with the phasing control. It makes an interesting tool. It worked for about 2 days, then I experienced its first failure - one of the low noise JFET ICs. Probably alpha particle bombardment over the years :) It is also somewhat noisy, and I don't remember that. Although I was initially pleased, I was able to drive the Apt amp (I used a single although they are bridgeable) to clipping at only reasonably loud levels despite the headroom claim (this of course also involves the speakers and room and how much you want to abuse your ears. Subsequent use of early PS Audio preamp and bridged amps (small world) resulted in a more open sound such that I might describe the Apt as constrained. I ended up with Belles I amp and XLM preamp. Belles amp was even more current capable. Bottom line IMO - it might be fun to try, but it is old - components age - even solid state devices. Also depends on your current listening requirements. Soory for the long post, but you know how us old timers ramble.