Old guy needs recommendation request for old CD players / DAC

I plan to use one of the following old CD players in my audio system and would like to know your recommendations on which one will provide better sonics and whether to use the DAC as well. The player will be used in an all-tube Conrad Johnson rig.

JVC XLZ-1050TN CD player (built like a battleship and highly reviewed in its time)
Oppo 980H DVD/CD player (also highly rated in its day)

MyDac DAC by Micromega


(pardon the heading, but I can't seem to remove the word 'request')


Showing 1 response by grinnell

I have the DV-981HD and a MyDac and the MyDac made the sound about 100% better.  I was a bit surprised at how much richer and smoother it made the sound.


can't speak for the other unit


mine is in a second system in a cabin in the mountains so didnt want high end hifi :)