'' Okay let me ask my digital question in another way ''........

Hello Audiogoners  - I hope all is well and I will try and ask my digital question in another way. Has anybody ever added a MUTEC Ref 10 SE 120 Master clock to their Esoteric K-01XD CD player and what were the results ? The reason that I ask is the Esoteric player will accept both a square wave and sine wave signal from an out board master clock. The MUTEC is a only a square wave signal and the optimum scenario would be to have both players on the same wave siganl. It can work both sine and square but I need to know how did it sound ???? Thank you all and stay safe.    

Showing 3 responses by sns

I recently purchased audiophile network switch with TXCO clock, rest of streaming and network optimized prior to the switch purchase. Extremely disappointed with switch in system, yes, there was lower noise floor. The one great defect of the switch and added clock was image outline excessively sharpened, like cookie cutter images. I've surmised this was clock issue, as I've heard previous clock upgrades affect sound stage and imaging. Perhaps DCS owners and mahler123 heard this same defect.

I don't recall having previously heard about square vs sine wave signal mismatch, could be my issue. I'd assume the dcs folks had no such mismatch.
Mutec you're looking at has OXCO clock, oven controlled oscillator, this is superior to TXCO in my switch, My dac runs OXCO clock for usb input. Widely varied opinions on clocks leads me to suspect there can be possible overuse of clocks in individual systems. Result is an excess of image, sound stage precision, in my case, loss of spaciousness, airiness. In real life, individual performers or images blend into one another. Image quality of my system sans switch/clock replicates this, With switch/clock in system, its like individual performers in segregated anechoic sound booths .
Likely no one out there to directly answer your question. In the end, likely you're going to have to purchase Mutec to find out.

If you end up trying a clock, I for one would appreciate giving us your results as it adds to knowledge base. Based on my negative results, I'm interested in hearing other perceptions of how clocks affect sound quality.
It is good none of the 'all knowing' haven't yet entered discussion.