Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?


I'd love to hear the impressions of people who've actually spent some time with these speakers to share their sense of their plusses and minuses. Mapman here on Audiogon is a big fan, and has shared lots on them, but I'm wondering who else might be familiar with them.
Final report on d-sonic M3-1500s. To make it short - They're going back. After 100+ hrs, shrillness still there - I mean "gives us headaches" shrill. Good kick in the low end, but that's all the good I can say. Connected my new W4S DAC2 DSD-se hoping to make it better. No change in sq al all. Put the B&K back in. The bass is deeper and sound is cleaner with more detail throughout with no digititis. I am v-e-r-y happy with this DAC. Sorry the amps didn't work out but glad you suggested to try a better source, Mapman! Later I may try the AVA 600R, but we will live with the B&K for awhile as it has whetted our appetite for deeper bass, etc.
Coot, thanks for your honest opinion. To hear shrillness coming from your Ohm speakers really did concern me because Ohms have a very mild manner tweeter. I'm shock but appreciate the heads up.
Coot .. as I'm sure you are aware, the W4S amps have garnered much praise in their latest iteration. Just thinking out loud here but perhaps you should consider them as well in the future. The synergy offered by using products from the same company can be compelling. Congrats on the new DAC.
Yes, OHMs and shrillness are not a natural match, but I have heard a big difference top to bottom with different amps so amp is always a big factor.

I guess the lesson learned is Class D is not always a slam dunk with OHMs, for whatever reason.

I find ICs from source to pre and especially pre to amp can also make a very significant difference. I've switched between DNM Reson and MIT TErminator. DNMs have more etched detail through mids and highs, which I like with the OHMs. MITs are smoother/more rounded there and add more to the low end. Room acoustics and personal preference would probably be the largest factors in choosing.