Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?


I'd love to hear the impressions of people who've actually spent some time with these speakers to share their sense of their plusses and minuses. Mapman here on Audiogon is a big fan, and has shared lots on them, but I'm wondering who else might be familiar with them.

Showing 35 responses by wtf

Unfortunately there weren't too many reviews of the last iteration. 6 Moons .. any others?
Since acquiring my Rubys, I've wondered about the Omni Harmonizer. I'd love to hear your impressions after you've had a chance to evaluate. I wouldn't have thought to mate it with Ohms.
Hey guys good to see this thread alive and well .. it's been a while. In fact it's been so long that formerly I posted under Jmelvin. I had problems with my account during the transition and ended up creating a new account, hence the name change.

Since last posting on this thread, and that was back in '09 I think, my system has evolved .. new amp, DAC, and loudspeakers. What can I say? Love music. Love gear. My change from the MicroWalsh Talls was nothing more than a desire to hear a different flavor of loudspeaker. So after 7 years or so of ownership I decided to go back to a stand-mount, the Mark & Daniel Ruby, and was not disappointed. After having these for a while I wanted to taste a panel so I purchased the Magnepan MMG, and again I was not disappointed. I guess this is the start of a loudspeaker collection as I still own all 3 with no intentions of giving any of them up. I love each flavor!

So why am I posting? Yup, I recently put the Ohms back in the mix just to hear them again. I must say, I'm very happy I held on to them. These are such great speakers .. they do so much right. As you all know, the presentation is unlike any other. More people really need to hear an omni.

Cheers .. Happy New Year
Bondmanp .. just now finding the time to give my impressions of the 3 speakers. One reason I looked into other brands, besides curiosity, was my living situation changed and the room my stereo was going into was a bit larger. Nonetheless I used the MWTs for quite some time before finally making another purchase. In order to stay with Ohm's I would have had to step up to the Walsh 2000's to accommodate the room and at the time I simply couldn't spend the money. So I looked for something completely different and the Mark & Daniel Ruby caught my attention. I picked them up here on A'gon for less than half of the retail price. The Rubys are a 2-way stand-mount with an AMT tweeter. In comparison to the MWTs, the presentation is completely different .. much more forward and in-your-face. They do what monitors do really well. Although the Rubys have real body and presence, the soundstage isn't as wide as the MWT, but very good. These little monitors are fun, punchy, and go deeper than the MWT. The highs seems a bit more extended and a bit brighter without being fatiguing in the least and have wonderful coherence. The MWTs are a bit more laid back but certainly not dull in comparison. The MWTs present the scale of instruments much more realistically IMO and I'm sure I don't need to mention the wide sweet spot of the Ohms.

The MMGs came about because I had a little extra cash at the time and wanted to hear a panel, which I never had. Like many, I also think they are one of the great audio bargains. The MMGs and the MWTs share similar properties like scale of instruments, tone, and coherence. I love the sound of these little panels and they work better in my room than the others. I've thought about stepping up to the 1.7s when the time comes, but they are simply too big. Perhaps the 2000's will be next .. I do love the Ohm sound and I really want to hear the newer drivers. Unfortunately that won't be for quite a while due to a recent DAC purchase. I will also check out the Golden Ear Tritons you mentioned.

other gear:
Mac Mini 2010
Chordette QuteHD DSD DAC
SOtM dX-USB HD usb to s/pdif converter & mBPS-d2s battery ps
Odyssey Audio Cyclops Extreme/SE Integrated (w/ps upgrade)
Now you guys have me thinking I should try bigger badder amps! I've only heard one class d amp in my system, the PS Audio Trio, which doesn't compare sonically to my Odyssey Cyclops. Anyone have experience with (or thoughts on) the new D-Sonic amps? I understand they no longer use the ice modules. I'm curious.
Thanks for the update Tobeornottobe. Always wanted to hear the OH and just may at some point.
John was a great reviewer with a lot of respect. It was his review about the MicroWalsh Talls that convinced me to give them a try. His viewpoint is missed in the community.
I've also used a 30 wpc Jolida hybrid with my MWTs and while the sound was quite nice the amp clipped more than once while listening at reasonable levels. Obviously, care needs to be taken when putting together any system but lower-powered amps with Ohms line may not be the best match. YMMV of course.
I exchanged several emails with Dennis a couple of months ago inquiring about the amp modules he is now using and he did confirm he was moving away from the ICE modules in some of his amps, but he never answered a direct question. Honestly, I found the whole exchange frustrating and decided to move on. I understand not wanting to give away trade secrets but a bit of info is warranted I believe. For me, I already own a PS Audio ICE-based amp and I want to know what flavor of class-d I'm buying. It's too bad because I was ready to make a purchase.
Peter .. seriously gorgeous. Seems you have taken your Ohms to another level, quite literally.
"Regarding the OEM source of the amp modules in D-Sonics amps, if you read the 6Moons review, you'll see that Dennis ain't talkin'. IMHO, that's his prerogative. It's all about the sound. If the amp sounds good, what difference does it make, really, which amp modules he is using?"

Bondmanp, I see your point but in our internet-centric audiophile world, competition almost demands disclosure. We are after all, obsessive-compulsive types and we NEED to know because it is also OUR prerogative to pass. There is simply too much competition to not disclose IMO.
My point is D-Sonic has been around for a while now and folks have already heard their previous iterations. The new amps are supposed to be improved. How so? New amp modules (plus whatever else). OK. Many of us have already heard class-d amps and have an idea of what they sound like in general and yes, every manufacturer has their own build/sound, but I would like a more compelling reason to try the amp(s) out other than "it/they sound great". If I want to take a chance I still have to pay for shipping and a restock fee.

"An in-home trial period of 21 days is available. This can be extended by email at the discretion of D-Sonic. If the unit is returned in factory condition and packaging, customer pays shipping both ways plus a 10% restock charge. Unit must be insured to full value."

So .. I don't expect any manufacturer to give away the farm so-to-speak but most will provide SOME info including what amp modules they are using (Bel Canto & W4S for example). No I'm not obligated to purchase, nor am I compelled.
"I sympathize with (and fully understand) the desire to protect your intellectual property (I'd NEVER download music illegally for this reason), but I suspect that D-Sonic will lose sales over this decision."

As do I and I would suspect Dennis is fully aware of the risk. Who can say if he will lose many sales, although I can say he lost a sale to me.
Much to my surprise the nice UPS man (whose name I should know by now) brought my 2 MicroSubwoofers today! Thinking they would arrive a couple of weeks from now, clearly I misunderstood John. Guess what I'll be doing after work.
Coot .. as I'm sure you are aware, the W4S amps have garnered much praise in their latest iteration. Just thinking out loud here but perhaps you should consider them as well in the future. The synergy offered by using products from the same company can be compelling. Congrats on the new DAC.
Hi guys .. not much happening on the thread lately so I thought I'd share.

A while ago I decided to stop the madness and jump off the merry-go-round. Fortunately I have enough gear in storage to swap in/out when the mood strikes for something different, which is inevitable. I moved to computer audio completely in the past couple of years and have managed to put together a very satisfying system, which is currently:

Mac mini (late 2012, i7, 256GB SSD, 16GB RAM)
SOtM dX-USB HD converter
Chord QuteHD DAC
Odyssey Cyclops Integrated (SE+ w/ps upgrade)

While I’ve been using my Magnepan MMGs almost exclusively, I occasionally swap them out with my Mark & Daniel Rubys, or the MicroWalsh Talls for a different presentation, but always seem to miss the Maggies and put them back in the system. Far from perfect, the little Maggies have a rightness to them that appeals to me.

Well, I’m antsy and the mood for change is yet again upon me. It was 10 years ago this coming February that the MicroWalsh Talls arrived in my home, so I thought it was fitting to give them another extensive listen. Of the changes I’ve made recently, the most significant has been the addition of room correction software via Amarra Symphony w/iRC. The integration with Dirac’s room correction wizardry has been game-changing for me and while on the expensive side (for software), it was well worth the price paid. I recently put the Talls back into the system, hooked up the microphone, and ran the IRC Measurement program to create a correction filter.

One of the niceties of the iRC function within Amarra Symphony is the ability to turn the filter on/off easily while playing music, instantly hearing the difference, and a difference there is. First and foremost I must say the 10 year old Talls are still a pleasure to listen to without room correction. With the room correction filter applied, there is more focus and clarity (somewhat like dipoles) and yet the omni presentation and wide sweet spot is fully intact. Bass is more controlled and nuanced. Timbre is gorgeous as usual. The Talls are simply better behaved from top to bottom. Needless to say, I’m pleased with this improvement.

Room correction has intrigued and intimidated me for years. With this latest Amarra Symphony build the intimidation factor is obliterated with its ease of use. Treating the room in this way allows me to have a living-room/listening-room without bass traps and/or acoustic panels, or hiring a pro for advice. It’s been said many times that Ohm’s loudspeakers shine with better electronics and I couldn’t agree more with that sentiment. I would now include room correction in addition to better gear. After 10 years of ownership these loudspeakers remain beguiling and seductive, a joy to listen to and live with. One day I hope to move up to the 2000’s, perhaps when I find myself hopping back on that inevitable carousel ride.
Thanks Coot. Glad to hear you got some benefit from iRC. Interesting that your SQ suffered above 200hz. I suppose that may help illustrate how well engineered the 5000s are. Bass around 100hz was giving me the most trouble and is much improved with the iRC filter.

When you say you have a hole in the middle, do I understand you correctly that you can't place your speakers in a way for proper center imaging?
Thanks for sharing in detail Coot. Hopefully someone will have an idea or two for you. First, let me say that Ohm loudspeakers are certainly capable of presenting a solid and believable center image with wonderful depth and width to boot. Like any speaker, placement is key and Ohm’s are generally considered forgiving in this regard. The room has perhaps the greatest impact on sound quality and can be especially troublesome for those of us without perfect dedicated listening spaces. Like you, I’m one of the unfortunate. Please allow me to share my situation as it’s similar to yours and will hopefully offer some encouragement.

My typically appointed living room is 13’ x 18’ x 8’. My gear is racked on a Salamander Synergy unit smack in the middle of the speakers and wall. Measuring as you did from the middle of the driver, the Talls are 26” from the front wall, 38” from the side walls, with 80” between them. My sofa being the prime spot puts me at 9.5’ from each speaker. While facing the gear, I have a large picture window (with treatment) to my left, a 68” archway to my right, and a 69” archway behind me. The back of the sofa measures 58” to the back wall and archway. The archway behind me opens to a foyer and stairway. The archway to my right opens to another room .. a fairly open design and somewhat problematic.

This arrangement also includes a bookcase, liquor cabinet, chair, tables, lamps, and artwork, etc. There was a lot of experimenting, moving stuff inch by inch until I locked it in. It took a while and it wasn’t easy, but the results are great. It’s all there .. imaging, depth, and width. Coot, if I can achieve this in my room, I’m sure you can achieve the same. That being said, you have whole lot more space adjoining (13,000 cubic ft. - wow!) than I have. However, I encourage you to reevaluate the space and start with speaker placement or perhaps moving your sofa forward a bit. It’s surprising how much difference a few inches can make. Perhaps snapping a few photos of your space and emailing John for guidance might be helpful.

Best of luck. Sorry I couldn’t be more help to you. Cheers.
1st try? You must be joking ;-)

As easy as the measurement process is I ended up doing several. In fact, each time I swap anything in/out of my system I feel the need to remeasure, realizing, of course, it's the room I'm measuring and not the gear. Still, I can't help thinking everything matters.

I do hear immediate and obvious improvement with no problems in the higher frequency spectrum, no missing sparkle. Honestly, I'm experiencing more clarity and focus which makes the top end sound more detailed, more believable. Have you played around with the gain settings at all?

BTW, I wasn't sure if the omni presentation of the Ohm's would work well with room correction. I'm hoping there are more of us too.
Mapman .. I haven't either. In fact, I searched for a review and came up empty. Considering the 120 home trial and my complete satisfaction with the Talls I figure it's not much of a risk. I'll be happy to share my thoughts once I've had them a bit.

These little MicroSubs were (hopefully) just what I was looking for. I did not want to spend alot of money so the price point for the pair was perfect. I'll be putting them right up close to the talls (as per John's suggestion) so the size is just right as well. I'm hoping they are a good match sonically.

BTW, Ohm is running a Memorial Day Sale all week .. 15% off and free shipping. My timing was quite good!
I was reading "News and Views" on Ohm's website and found this excerpt particularly interesting:

"Today there are hundreds of special speaker wires available; some costing thousands of dollars. Which is best and which is the best value? Two interesting questions.

Based on the fact that there can be an almost “magical” synergy between speaker and wire, I really cannot tell you what is best unless I have had a chance to listen to (and test) your speakers. I can tell you that with most Ohms, 12-gauge wire (if less than 30 feet long) is what we recommend. We do our development with this wire and believe you will not hear an improvement with any other. You may hear a difference; but it is not the way we designed the speakers to sound. Of course, if there is a difference, the difference maybe compensating for a room/speaker interaction problem. It is sort of like two problems canceling each other out."

Seems John and company don't exactly advocate the need for expensive cables .. at least that is how it reads to me. Thoughts?

"I have experimented more with various analog ICs and hear big differences there, but still hard to say one inherently better than the other. Two different flavors perhaps, with of which might work best in any one's case."

Same here Mapman. As usual it's about preference for the most part.

As is happens (perhaps why the article caught my interest) I'm using the silly-affordable Blue Jeans 12-White speaker cables with my Talls right now with great results.
"No downside to power tweaks if done right for the right reasons, I think. Its more a matter of how much difference case by case, but I think noise with digital gear in particular is a problem worth tackling."

My experience with power tweaks certainly made a difference in my system. I use an iFi Audio iUSBPower in front of my Chord QuteHD, which is powered with a Teddy Pardo 12-2 power supply. Brought even more refinement to the QuteHD.

I'm enjoying John's writing and am very happy he's sharing some of that knowledge and experience with us. Yes, smart man with a true passion for good sound.
Hey guys .. I've been contemplating a subwoofer purchase for a while now and have been doing my homework like a good little audiophool. (So many options it's staggering.) I haven't used a sub since dismantling my home theater and find that I miss some of the foundation bass (or sub-base) provides. So after a few email exchanges with John S, I placed a call this morning and ordered a pair of MicroSubwoofer 10's veneered in walnut to match my Talls.


Needless to say I can't wait to hear these little cuboids in my system. John tells me they need 2 weeks for the veneer work so hopefully I'll have them in 3 weeks give or take.
Hi guys .. ok, a quick update on the MicroSubs. I’ve had these smallish cubes in my system for a few days now and I’m quite happy thus far. They are a nice match for the Talls (sonically and aesthetically). Here’s the system now:

• Mac mini
• iFi iUSBPower
• Chord QuteHD
• Outlaw Audio ICBM-1
• Odyssey Cyclops SE+
• MicroWalsh Talls & MicroSubs

I’m using the Outlaw Audio ICBM-1 for bass management duties. The ICBM-1 is a left-over from my home theater days and is a rather nice cross-over which operates in the analog domain. I have the cross-over set at 60, which to my ears is just right. The speakers and subs are along the same plane and the subs sit fairly close to each speaker. I’ve tweaked the settings (volume/phase/cross-over) by ear only and I’m pretty happy with the result. FWIW I’m not a bass hound at all .. just want a balanced presentation. That said, the bass frequency extension is just what I was looking for. A rather nice surprise is the newly found clarity and detail in the mids and highs! The Talls have never sounded so good.

Overall, I’d say these are a nice option for those of us not wanting to spend a lot of money on a pair of subs. BTW, the MicroSubs are not built in Brooklyn. According to Ohm: “These MicroSubs are the only speakers we have made for us in China (we still modify it to work better with our Walshs)”. Different for Ohm but nicely done.
I just saw the episode of "Bosch" where you can clearly see the Ohm's and it put a big smile on my face. I'm a fan of the novels the series is based on and Harry (main character) is a jazz and vinyl lover. Fun. Oh, and I liked the first season btw.
Map, I'm pretty sure it was the 9th episode. There is a nice shot of them placed along that amazing wall of windows (gorgeous view!). I was glad to see/hear Harry's love of jazz faithfully portrayed .. the Ohm's and Marantz gear is a nice touch.
Hey guys .. a while back I posted about Amarra Symphony and its Dirac component (iRC).


At the time there was no Dirac stand-alone option for OSX and Amarra Symphony was it. It's fantastic software and if you are new to room correction you will be pleasantly surprised with the ease and flexibility it offers, never mind the great sound. Another recommended mic and the one I use is the XTC Microphone Pro. Highly recommended.
Hey man, great review! I've often thought if/when the time comes, I would move up the line to the 2000's. BTW, your comment about accuracy is one often associated with the Ohm sound. The hyper-etched detail en vogue today, which can be fun, often seems artificial and much too forward in the long run to me. I find the Ohm presentation more balanced with plenty of detail and loads of musicality, hence the reason I keep them. Thanks for sharing your experience.
@peterr53 .. seems to me your project, which you have freely shared here in this long-running thread, has become nothing but a disparaging critique of JS and Ohm. While it’s all been fascinating to some degree, I think a separate thread of your own would be more appropriate. BTW, my MicroWalsh Talls are 11 years old now and still making beautiful music.
I would place the monitors on a pair of very short Isoacoustics isolation stands and set the stands on top of the subs.
This is exactly what I’ve done since purchasing my Omega Super 3i’s (I have the IsoAcoustics Aperta). Funny, I did this as a work-around until I got proper new stands but I ended up loving the result. It was John S who gave me the idea btw. I’m still using two MicroSubwoofer 10’s for sub duty and in my experience, 2 is most definitely better than 1.