...there are plenty of ill informed people on various audio forums, that seriously mimic the points brought up in this article.
Likely so. However, make no mistake, there are also plenty of highly informed people on various forums who don't "mimic", but literally personify the points brought up in the article. I know I personally have been guilty of a couple of the points. In fact, it was only in the past few months that I finally conceded that no matter how much I listened to my MMGs (key words: "to my MMGs") they just did not play nice in my open floor plan/vaulted ceiling room and I was no longer listening to the music (and, frankly, hadn't been in quite a while). Room treatment, DSP, 350 watts of high current power, decent upstream gear (Oppo CD/DVD, Parasound P5 preamp, vintage Denon CD, Tidal via iPhone through Liquid Spark DAC).......it didn't matter. I was just listening to the room, the speakers, and the system trying to figure out how to make it collectively sound better. Fact is, that system would kill it in a conventionally-configured listening room. After leveling with myself, I recently replaced the MMGs with Ohm Walsh Tall 2000s which are much, much better suited to my room, and I'm once again listening to "music" that sounds fantastic through my system. Is it perfect? No. The room configuration remains, but deploying well-done, quasi-omnidirectional speakers did wonders for the music's presentation.
So, yeah. I was supremely guilty of #1. And #s 2, 4, 5 and 9, if we're fully confessing here.