Nuforce STA200

I am curious about the Nuforce STA200 amplifier  If anyone has experience with the amp it would be appreciated if you would share your listening impressions, both good and bad.  Some of the descriptions I have read classify it as a class AB amp and others a class D amp.  I am not technical savvy about these things, can a single amplifier be both? 
mrD, your post made me laugh. Why would you want to add more weight to the SYS unit? According to the Schitt website it already weighs in at a heavy 1 lb. I’m guessing they rounded up to get there.
Its been out a few yrs. How does the STA200 stack up to newer budget amps, Emotiva monoblocks, Nuprime, TPA3255 based etc?
What cables - RCA and speaker - are you guys using with your STA200?  I've got a mish-mash of old high-end and cheap new (Monoprice) cables connecting my DAC, preamp, SYS, amp and speakers. 

I want to upgrade, but at a reasonably low price.  

I originally had Blue jeans interconnects and they sounded fine. I am in the process of building my own cables. 

I use Blue Jeans LC-1 interconnects between source-SYS-STA200 as the LC-1 has very low capacitance.