Nuforce Repair?

I have had no luck finding the right contact for servicing a Nuforce Ref-9 mono amp. Is Nuforce as a brand co. still in Business? Optoma owns them but no response.
NuForce having been sold is sad news to me. As a past 9 SE's owner I dealt with them personally at the Milpitas location. What an energetic, innovative, and responsive group. 
Bob did some recent work on a pair of Reference 9v3se for me. It does cost around 1100 but it is more than worth it. He transformed an already good sounding amps to flat out great. And, afterwards, he gives you a lifetime warranty.

Communication and turn around was A+. He is the certified tech for NuForce.

I have monoblock Nuforce Reference 9 Special Edition Amos, which Bob Smh of mytdss upgraded for me a few years ago.I'm having a problem with the amps..I tried going to the mytdss website, but it no longer exists. Hopefully, he didn't pass away.Does anyone have any info as to what is going and where I can have my amps repaired? I'm feeling very sick about my amps needing repair work and whether I can have them repaire

Just curious, have you been able to source someone to repair your NuForce Ref 9 SE, V3?    I have one that just bricked on me and no luck at Optima, Bob Smith's TDSS website is down.

I've got that same sick feeling that I'll be left with a single working mono block.   There are some reports in Indiana that may suggest that a  Robert Smith passed away in August, but I've not been able to confirm it it is THE Robert Smith we're looking for. 

If anyone has an info . . .  it would be greatly appreciated.

Bob Smith did work for me on Nuforce a few times 3-4 years ago. 
He didn’t seem very healthy at the time.