Notifications when someone comments on my virtual system

How do I set up to get notifications when someone comments on my virtual system?

Showing 11 responses by cal3713

Am I correct that the notifications only appear when you're in the systems pages?

Would be amazing if they also showed up in your forum notifications (where most people check).
@admin Can you make it so that people making the comments also get notifications (at least when @'d in the system comments)?

If both sides get notifications it'll really bring back the functionality.

Thanks so much for addressing this.
Ha MC, hilarious.

It’s crazy that they destroyed the functionality of the systems pages with the update many years ago and never bothered to fix it. Used to be a very active part of the forums (see, e.g., and now it’s just unanswered comments because neither posters nor owners think to go manually check for updates.

Such a shame. Really just a terrible thing for this place.

The conversations in there were so nicely focused and perhaps more importantly people were actually nice to one another because they didn’t want to crap  on someone’s personal page. Allowed you talk about your gear with people who cared rather than forcing all that conversation into other more specific threads where it is often less relevant.

Audiogon, please fix this, the site needs it.
Thanks Jay. Much appreciated. Good work. Hopefully it will turn out to be a NY's present for the whole community.
That functionality is also pretty buggy. Right now in this thread the @ feature isn't working for anyone's handle for me.
@jaytor I got an email notification... That will work great.  Thanks Tammy.  

Do you get a notification that I replied??
@jond I am very hopeful that this will have a significant impact on engagement and sense of community here.