Not to be missed at Axpona

My wife and I attend Axpona every year. We spend all day, all three days. We tend to cover it pretty well. It never seems to fail though, that when the reviews start there's always things that we missed and would've liked to have seen and heard. Seeing as how Axpona is just around the corner are there any suggestions about products and displays that we should make it a point to see? I know the website talks about new products that will be shown. How about beyond that. Anybody heard of anything that will be unmissable?

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Went to AXPONA today. First show ever for me despite being in this hobby for over 40 years.  Nice to see some familiar smiling faces I have happily done business with along the way: Geoff Poor of Glenn Poor Audio Video, John Loranger (Tara and Connor) of Pearl Audio Video; and some new acquaintances: Mike Kay of Audio Archon, plus the many gracious and friendly exhibitors at AXPONA 2024.

I may be partial because they are local to me, but the music in the Ultra fidelis room #1234 is not to be missed.  I could have easily spent all day there listening to the mostly Vandersteen gear.  Jonathan Spelt of Ultra fidelis works his magic even in the challenging environment of a small hotel room.  Kudos!