Not Sure If This Is OK Here, But Here Goes

I'm selling a pair of Magnepans on Audiogon and as usual, have had no response. Yesterday, a guy from Argentina (allegedly) contacts me and says he'd like the speakers and gave me an address and phone number of a guy in Miami to ship them to and he'll forward them on to the end buyer.

At first glance, this doesn't pass the smell test. However, he did give me a phone number, which I may call later today. The other issue I have is that I have little to no experience with PayPal. How hard is it to defraud PayPal and leave me without my  money and the lose of my speakers?


Showing 1 response by falconquest

I agree with @jackd. I had a buyer who said he was from Columbia and of course I thought, "yeah right". He explained to me that they don't have access to equipment like we do in the States. He said the freight forwarder out of Miami would handle the customs paperwork and that I didn't have to worry about it. I was a bit reluctant but went ahead and sent the CD player. Everything worked without a hitch. I received payment and never heard another word. I might ask a few pertinent questions just to make sure it's legit but what he is saying is true.