Not as much activity on analog here

Monitoring this site and analog in particular I see a downward trend in interest. Why is this so. Are we a community that has not grown much and all our questions have been interested ? Are we losing interest? Is digital finally getting the soul of the music right? I wish someone would chime in maybe audiogon and show us some statistics. Maybe it's not analog but all across the forum. Let's here from you.

Showing 2 responses by whart

I'm not sure any one site is going to address all of the particular interests of an enthusiast. In audio, many of the sites, including this one, are gear-centric (A-gon, for obvious reasons, being a 'trading post' for used hi-fi gear). Music sites, like S Hoffman are less gear-centric, and more about particular releases, but even then, there are limits to how many times you can discuss the 'best pressing' of Led Zeppelin or whatever. (My view- buy 'em all, you decide). :)
Fremer still carries the torch, even though I don't always come out the way he does- I guess since he is a bit of a character, he provokes different reactions from different people. (I like reading him).
I love the fact that people like Albert and Mike L (who seems to have decided to listen rather than post), among a number of others here, try to push the envelope and constantly reassess and try to improve their sonic results.
Ultimately, it's a personal question; i have found that over the years, my focus has changed, and changed again, sometimes I am on a mission w/ respect to upgrades, and other times, I've gone through periods where I didn't even bother with serious audio.
The other thing I have found, FWIW, is that there are a number of over the top record collectors- people with vast knowledge of records, whether it is rock, jazz, classical, whatever, who listen on good systems but aren't posting on gear-centric fora (or even on music forums). So, the measure of interest in vinyl or analog generally can't be taken by those who post on any of these sites. I have one friend with a vast collection of original pressings and a very good system who I've known for years. He's a member on the Hoffman forum, but almost never posts there- even about records, unless it is some discovery he has made about an obscure pressing of a favorite album. Is he interested in analog? You betcha.