Noob Planar Speaker Advice Needed

My system

Pre/Pro: B&k ref30 (sigh)
Amp: I'm considering an Aragon 4004mkII

Speakers Choices
a) Martin Logans (SL3, clarity, or cls iiz)
b) Magnepan 1.6
C) Eminent Technology LFT8

The cls iiz i've come to understand perform better with tubes. Any comments on these combos or possibilities in the same price range?

(my listening space is poor - and large 15x20 2 story room with an open side wall. But I don't want to try to limit my speaker choice to optimize the room as the room will not be forever. I listen to a little less then half music, little more then half HT - but the sound quality for music is far more important to me. What i want, and have never had, are mids the blow me away - something to make female vocals shine. Hope that's enough on preferences to generate some feedback).

At 0-dark 30, (that's REAL late) I have been known to face my Maggies AT one another and sit in between. Like the ULTIMATE open air headphone.

When the house is THAT quiet, you can feel the rosin come off the bow. You get the feeling you are IN the performance room, sitting among the players.
All your choices are good. No speaker is perfect but all the ones you listed are very enjoyable. You might even try the little MMG @599 pair and a small sub like the Hsu 10 inch @350. Your room will be fine but you'll have to pull the speakers out from the wall a bit (5 feet or more). Good luck.

Thanx, Russ
I want to piggyback on your question. With an magnepan smg or magnepan mmg's, what tube amplification would be fine to run them? I cannot spend a lot on a tube amp. Is this a futile match?

Ive had some insanely exspensive setups, and my current budget system is now the best Ive ever heard. Our rooms are very close in size and ceilings. I'm about 9 to10ft from the speakers, and they are 36-40" from the front wall. Toe in is about 7-10 degrees or so. They are about5-6ft apart. I use a pair of 0.27 ohm resistors from partsexpress (.39 cents each) to reduce the tweeters a HAIR. They are MAGIC. I use a svs ultra 12/2 sub, and filter at 80hz. The sub is placed dead center between the speakers with base off, subs forward. I run the speakers full range though. I use a hard drive and all lossless flac and wav files (PS3 with external hardrive). I use a onkyo NR906 receiver and Emotiva XPA-15 channel amp.

The speakers are the Magnepan 1.6, and I'm in heaven !

Ive owned the Martin Logan aeon i's, Ascent i's, using Bryston and Ayre equipment. The Magnepan 1.6's with the budget gear above, and it smokes them. If the Magnepan's are set up right and you dont want 95-110db's, they cant be beat. Id put my setup against top stuff. Ive owned that stuff. Magnepan just get it right, once you tame the brightness and throw in a clean sub.(get the sub playing acurate) My friends and wife always reply how clean this sounds. All types of music, and even older recordings sound great!