non-locking rca's for analyis plus interconnects.

I want to reterminate my a+ IC's with a high quality rca (I can't use the existing locking wbt's in the tonearm pod I have).

Does anyone know for sure whether their cables will fit inside the small xhadow rca's? (I can't use the large xhadows). I already emailed analysis plus and they say they are not certain of fit. I want to be sure.

If the xhadows won't work, please suggest a good alternative.

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Showing 3 responses by photon46

Just measure the diameter and see if they'll fit. The engineering drawings are available online. Here's a link: The link address says it's for a Vampire connector, but the drawing is obviously the Xhadow.
You can also shave the exterior of a cable jacket with a razor knife to get a too snug cable to fit into a barrel of the same diameter. You don't have to remove very much material. I've done it and it's not difficult, just have to take your time.
The Vampire 800c is an excellent connector, I have used it myself with great results.