Grege, Thank you for responding that was supposed to be an e-mail direcly to you. Nevertheless, I will be checking out the ML Election Motion ESL's at a Magnolia/BestBuy in Los Angeles when I visited relatives there.
The state of high end audio in Honolulu is lean to use a over generous term. Maybe, its the tropical winds, bluesky and ocean.....and the parade of bikini bottoms that make potential audiophiles into slaphappy Bose Wave audio owners. The few ML dealers here are basically Home Theater specialists and have no showroom, operate out of an office with catalogues.
I am actually pre-shopping for a doctor friend who lives in Virginia, who claims he is too busy to listen to music....and owns The Bose Wave Audio System. He one of those people who think all speakers, amps, CD players, etc "sound the same" He is too far away to slap on the side of his head, and I'm not going to waste round trip airfare to do it.
I have a good/great pair of speakers in my small living room, the Acoustic Zen Adagios, which generally go unnoticed and uncited in the major audio mags. However, I agree with you, a few ML models when set up rigth, etc. can sound totally boxless and three dimensional. If I could get a pair of the ML's Source for cheap, I would buy them just to compare with Adagios, and occasionally change the sound venue....Of course, I would have to endure the wailing protestations of the wife for at least two weeks, before she got used to the log jam, might be an interesting experiment. Thanks again, Jim