Noise through speakers when I tap the Source Switch.

I have a Unison Primo, only a few years old. I just noticed that when I tap the

knob to select source I can hear it through my speakers. Could there be a problem

with something? It's a hybrid, tube pre. Other that that it's quiet.

Thanks for any help.

It sounds like one of the tubes is microphonic. Try tapping on each tube and see if you hear the noise!

Thanks, that's what I thought but I read I would hear it when music was playing also. I replaced the stock tubes with some NOS ones right after I bought it.

I'll try that. I'll have to do it at the end of the week. I'll try the stock ones also.

I turned it on today tapped, nothing. Listened for a few hours,
tapped again, nothing. 

I guess it just went away.