Node-2/Spotify L-R channel swap?

I recently noticed that while streaming with my node2/Spotify it seemed that channels seemed to swap L to R/R to L. Resetting the node2 does not change the effect. The channel change only happens occasionally, e.g. one day it is correct, the other day reversed.  I usually use the a separate DAC with the node 2 but tried the analog out of the node 2 as an alternative to zero in on the issue. Using the built-in DAC yields to the same result. I then listened to the same piece of music via my iPhone/Spotify - so completely independent from my home setup) and again got the same result. 
One of the music pieces I listened to: The Modern Jazz Quartet/European Concert: vibraphone right channel, piano left channel (correct channeling)

Does anybody here have had same or similar experience?  

No comment/input? 
I know it perhaps sounds strange, but the channels swap L-R frequently and randomly. No one ever experience that?
I could see how this could happen with a compression algorithm that sends both a sum (L+R) and difference (L-R) signal.  Doing the math a little wrong here could end up with swapped channels, but I've never heard of any code that arbitrarily does it right sometimes and not others. :)

Unfortunately it is happening on my system. Would be nice if somebody could stream the same song of the mentioned recording (“Django”) multiple times within a few days and try to replicate my observation.