No reviews for Magus pre amp

I can't seem to find any review for a tube pre amp called the Magus MFA. The copy of the manual I looked at with the unit was from 1990, but not sure when the amp was manufactured. It sounded very nice paired with a Yamaha M80 power amp. Guy wants 1200 for the pair. Might be a bit bright for my taste, but had a lot of dimensions/separation.

Any comments about this one?
Seems the Belle 150A might do the trick. It has 100,000 ohm input impedance, plenty enough power and a good review back in 2001

Happens to be one on offer too
$700 is stretching the budget, but there aren't any Muse 100s out there right now.

Well thanks for the guidance. Never thought power amps were so complicated.
I have heard the Magus with an Onkyo M308 (IIRC) and it sounded pretty good driving a pair of Celestion SL6S speakers. Scott Frankland is still providing repaor and update support for MFA products. The build quality is as good as I have seen and would not hesitate to recommend them (MFA). FWIW
Am input impedence of at least 47K, 100K would probably be better. If I had to select a SS power amp with 47k imput impedence and high current enuf to drive 4ohm (and lower) impedence loads well, in your price range, I would find a used Muse 100. The combo of the Muse and the MFA should give you some warmth yet retain good drive as well.

Hope that helps......
I'm leaning towards getting the pre amp, but then wonder what to do for the power amp. Newbee mentioned:

"The only issue with this pre-amp might be the output impedence, which is as I recall, 3500 ohms, which rules out a lot of SS amps for consideration if for no other reason than the potential for impedence mismatch."

I have a lead on a lower power Yamaha for $200 instead of the m80 at 500, but if there is a better match maybe I should take some time to find it? I have inefficient speakers old 2-ways from Chicago Speakerworks (now Van L Speakerworks) and so we have the 4 ohm issue with the speakers. I don't want to have many speakers hanging off the system, I just want to spin vinyl and have a good experience.

So any specifications I should look for to match this pre amp?
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I've still got my MFA Magus - I bought it in the mid 90's. It is an excellent pre-amp. I wouldn't put it in the same league (or system) as a Yamaha SS amp.

The only issue with this pre-amp might be the output impedence, which is as I recall, 3500 ohms, which rules out a lot of SS amps for consideration if for no other reason than the potential for impedence mismatch.
of the two pieces, the magus is the classic(the yamaha may not be the best match). related to bruce moore and audible illusions. i once had one paired with a belles ss was incredible. should have a pretty articulate phono stage as well....since its not 'bright' per say...very warm actually(cj-like), it may be a room or loudspeaker thing.