No one cares this is the anniversary?

I kept thinking all day that someone else would do this.

There was a lot of blood left on the beaches in France this day 60 years ago so Europe would be free from oppression.

There was a special this morning on History Channel, where one survivor, barely 17 years old that day tearfully described his fallen comrades and his realization that he narrowly escaped death.

We owe these soldiers, living and dead, a debt of gratitude.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xalbertporter

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Sorry I was away but I was tinking about this all day. My father-in-law was on Iwo and the Korean war. I annually go to the Marine Corps. ball in NYC. It really brings tears to my eyes seeing these men from the big wars. They always have a few new Marines from current wars there to talk to. My father was a prisoner of war also.

My brother-in-law flew HMX-1 for Regan and Bush #1 for 12 years. He told me a lot of stories and still works for the gov't.

I won't ever forget the fightening men of the USA!
