No love for Legacy Audio

Hello all. I have been on a few discussions here and read many more. I have not seen many of the posters here talk much about Legacy Audio speakers. I am referring to the Signature SE model and the Focus SE model. I am curious why people don’t seem to like them as much as several other brands that get talked about much more here. What is it you like better about the ones you are consistently raving about. Thank you. 


Showing 3 responses by ozzy


I owned the Focus speakers before they came out with the SE version. It must have been 10-15 years ago.



It seems that this has been going on for quite some time, and I'm afraid that this trend will continue forever.


A couple of my threads were removed because of a "few" disrupters. Instead of just warning or deleting the offenders posts they cancelled the whole thread! I think the original thread poster should have more control of their own thread.

BTW, I owned for a while Legacy Focus. They were good but I wanted something truer to soundstage reproduction. Perhaps their newer version has improved on that.
