NHT 2.9 or B&W CDM9NT

Yes I know, what a strange pairing. I have listened to both, and they are very, very different. The problem is, I liked both of them very much. So what's a guy to do?

Maybe if any of you that have heard both (owned both?) were to comment on your experience, it might reinforce or clarify my own thoughts.

I like most all music, but mostly classical (both chamber and orchestral), jazz (acoustic and electronic), some pop rock, etc. No head banging for me, but I must admit I ruled out my favorites, the Maggie 1.6QR because of the lack of bass. I would like to stay in the low $2k range, and to add a good sub to the Maggies puts it out of range.

Oh yes - I am waiting to purchase amp/pre-amp until I decide on speakers, but I plan on spending around $1,500 for an amp (I prefer tubes, but with these speakers I may have to opt for ss).

Your thoughts are very welcome and appreciated.

Showing 1 response by sugarbrie

The best thing for you to do is ignore all the advise and go listen for yourself. There are no many variables that go into why things sound the way they do, you can get a rough idea of what is good and what is not from our recommendations, but that is it. Since you have narrowed it down to two speakers, then go listen and take your time.

You don't know our personal tastes? We may like tons of bass and you don't? How good is our hearing? What amp, CD player did we use? It may not have been appropriate or a compliment to one of the speakers in the demo, when some other setup would have yielded the opposite result. What is our music taste? We like rock and you listen to opera. How were the accoustics in the room where we listened? What cables did we use? You know none of these things.

My best friend's Home Theater setup has those Bose cube speakers all around. He likes how it sounds, so who am I to say he is wrong?? I have actually found myself in places where I heard something that sounded good and was shocked I was listening to Bose speakers. It just happened that all the right variables were in place to make it sound good.