New UHQR recordings VS the 8 produced in the early 80's. Are the new releases as good?

I see that there are new UHQR vinyl albums for sale.  Quite a few actually.  I am fortunate enough to have gotten an original "Crime of the Century" eons ago that I paid $60.00 for.  I really dig the sound quality.  How do the new releases compare?  For $150.00ea they better be great.    



If you've never heard these 45 rpm vinyl recordings, try to find one at a good price and give yourself a treat. I've got about 6 of them, most recently a couple of Genesis ones (they're not UHQR but are double 45's) and also the Aja UHQR one. That extra width in the grooves makes a real auditory difference, and you need 45 rpm for that.  

I can’t answer the question, as I find single disc reissues spread out over two albums at 45rpm to be distracting, YMMV.

But, other than being called UHQR, there are very few similarities. The originals were 33rpm reissues, half speed mastered and pressed on JVC super vinyl, and produced by the original Mobile Fidelity Sound Labs, mastered by Stan Ricker. The current UHQRs are produced by Analogue Productions as either 33 or 45rpm reissues on Clarity vinyl at QRP. So very few similarities.

A couple of simple observations. If your Crime was rereleased today the master tapes would be 45 years older than they were when the UHQR was produced, so subject to the variable degredation that affects analog tape.

Also, after the first 700, or so, UHQR Crimes were pressed, a new, and generally considered, inferior, new master was created, and used for the balance of the run. So even all UHQR Crimes are not the same.


Had to check the serial number on my Supertramp.  #2382.  Still plays very nice after so may times on my turntable.  Got me to re-check an MFSL album I have of Alan Parson's "Tales of Mystery and Imagination."  #17.  That also is a sweet copy.  But anything I've heard that Alan Parson had his hands in is always really well recorded.  That man knows how to master a recording.

I have all 8 of the MOFI UHQRs from back in the day and about a dozen of Chad's latest.  Most are excellent.

I agree that they are from very different adaptations...

Having all 8 of the originals is something special indeed.  I wish I would have purchased more of the MFSL albums back in the day.  I didn't know anything about them until after the fact as usual.  The few I do own I really enjoy.  One of my favorites is Rick Wakemen's "Journey to the Center of the Earth."  The recording & mastering is really good.  As an added bonus I was able to see it live at the Hollywood Bowl way back when.  

I've never heard an original MFSL UHQR. I have heard a few newer Analog Productions UHQRs. I also own several 1Steps and original MFSL on the JVC vinyl formulation and later 45RPM stereos & monos. IMO, the $60 Analog Productions vinyl releases are the best value for new audiophile releases. Impex and Intervention are just as good.