New system with periodic sound dropouts

Within the last 2 months I've gotten new speakers (Monitor Audio Gold 300), pre-amp (Primare Pre32) and power amp (Primare A32).  Since setting it up, there are times when my DAC loses the signal and no music plays for 1 - 2 seconds.  Other times music plays flawlessly with no dropouts.  I just tested the outlet where my gear is plugged in and got voltage readings between 123.5 - 125.9 (but I only had one drop out and that was earlier in the day).  My subdivision is less than 5 years old and all of our utilities are underground.  I've been considering an AC conditioner or regenerator. Do I really need one?  If power isn't the problem does anyone have an idea as to why my DAC sometimes loses the music signal?

Showing 7 responses by erik_squires

Ahhh, wait, are you wireless? :)

Wifi is awful in conjested areas. If you use Android, use Wi-Fi analyzer to find free channels. Also, usually 5G is less cluttered.
The point is the Dell has all the music locally. The network is not being used for streaming, but there are still drop outs.


yes, that's right.  Just as a test.

Network drivers used to be able to make all sorts of things stutter when there was a lag. They'd get exclusive access to the CPU while trying to reconnect, or re-authenticate and nothing else could run.

Of course, I always hope (and hope and hope) that Windows got better about this, but it's trying for a couple of hours. :)


Ahhhh, hahaha.

I doubt seriously that it’s your USB cable. More likely it is your wireless connection.

Since all your music is local, one thing to try, turn your networking OFF. Windows and apps sometimes stutter when the network connection gets iffy, and this can affect ALL running applications. Another thing to turn off is any anti-virus canners. I normally tell AV to exclude music directories from scanning.

Another reason why I’m on Linux, but even then, Firefox for instance really sucks when network gets funky.


One other thing to try, if you are using any other USB devices, unplug them.

