New Set Up questions

New to the forum so hopefully I'm posting this in the right area;

I haven't had a high end system in many years and with some research I've put together a potential system that I hope will work well. (I have not made a single purchase yet) I'm asking for advice so that I can be sure there are no issues or concerns with what I think could be a nice system. The TT Cartridge is an unknown right now so any suggestions there are greatly appreciated.

I don't play anything too loud 90% of the time. my room is a normal sized living room set up so about 15 x 25 here in the bay area. Lots of textiles but no carpet. I will be playing vinyl and MP3 and mostly classic rock, early blues, folk, 80's Alt and some jazz.

Here is what I would like to set up barring any issues;

1) Linn Sondek TT (cartridge is not known)
2) Conrad Johnson PV8 preamp in original unmodded cond)
3) McIntosh MC 225 Tube Amp
4) Either AR 3A's or Klipsch Heresy's (both earlier vintage)Not sure which might work better. guessing the Heresy's.

Please comment on anything to help me make changes or think about tone issues where needed. Any and all insight is greatly appreciated!
"I keep hearing that about the AR3's so it must be the case. I only sometimes read that someone loves them with a 225, etc... I'll go with the consensus there and stick with the Heresy's
Vruth (Threads | Answers | This Thread)"

You'll soon learn the difference between getting your listening experience from reading and from listening for yourself.
The Heresy is a nice speaker. The bass is a bit flabby but other than that the horns really shine!
I'm also a rookie to high end. Just bought B&W804S (used), Classe CP 800 preamp and Classe CA 2300 amp. It's all hooked up, but I'm not too impressed with the sound. I think my preamp needs tweaking, but I have no idea where to start and how to get it to sound better. Any where I can look, or are there people who do this for a fee? I'm thinking I may have to throw in a subwoofer. Not sure.