New school Or old School DAC Or Cd player?

Guys looking at new DAC- For example looking at the Terminator and Jays transport- I only play CD and was thinking for the same price that I pay for the terminator and transport- I can get a Rega Isis Cd player with high reviews-Or I can get a BAlabo DAC or other older High end DACS for the same price- which is a better choice for Redbook- If I go with the older DACS I get a hi end piece for pennies on the dollar and can use my Oppo as a transport or my Sound Science server- thanks for the advice-
An external Dac is only as good as the transport and digital cable. I went with a Sparkler Audio S503 Spiral CD player. Very natural detailed sound using a NOS chip. Great sounding CD player for red book playback!

Hope  you find what your looking for...

It all depends on your plans.  If you're going to rip your CDs to digital files, and/or do a lot of streaming, then DAC.  If you have a large collection of CDs and simply plan to continue playing them, then a player makes a lot of sense (among other things, no connection/interface between the two boxes).  Besides the Isis for those $$ there are lots of excellent players with slightly different flavors, Marantz, Luxman, Esoteric, Bryston, etc.
Honestly I would go for Dac . There are many good dacs , troubadour from audio mirror, orchid, Schiit Yagdrassil and Gumby , Black ice DAC , that did well in Arizona Dac shootout...
@fluffers - I don't have the answer. However, I do have a Rega Saturn-R and it is fantastic. It is a dedicated transport, and multi-input DAC in one enclosure, so it works like a CD Player. I really like it and I've had many other great CD players. Based on my enjoyment of the Saturn-R, I would bet the Rega Isis is really fantastic.