A somewhat late response to your question: in a word, no. Neither is easy to find where I live (this is all too often the case with audio). For example, I had to go to a neighboring state to audition the Sim preamp, and while it's worth the trip, I tend not to buy things at retail and some dealers won't deal. I don't think there's any Aragon dealer in this neck of the woods either.
Have heard through an informed source that Aragon is no longer making the good stuff they once did (don't flame me folks - this came from an industry insider); I know nothing about Tag. It's probably pretty good. But, IMHO, no company in the serious pre/pro game pays as much attention to serious analog sound as Bryston. Again, you may see things differently.
A somewhat late response to your question: in a word, no. Neither is easy to find where I live (this is all too often the case with audio). For example, I had to go to a neighboring state to audition the Sim preamp, and while it's worth the trip, I tend not to buy things at retail and some dealers won't deal. I don't think there's any Aragon dealer in this neck of the woods either.
Have heard through an informed source that Aragon is no longer making the good stuff they once did (don't flame me folks - this came from an industry insider); I know nothing about Tag. It's probably pretty good. But, IMHO, no company in the serious pre/pro game pays as much attention to serious analog sound as Bryston. Again, you may see things differently.