New Processor

Any advice for a new pre-pro? I am replacing a Lexicon DC-1 and a TAP9000ES analog unit. I am looking at a Krell Showcase, Classe SSP30 II, and the Bryston 1.7. I have reasonably local dealers for all three, so I can hear them, but only one has my speakers (Dynaudio Contour 1.8II Audience 42W surround and Contour center.) My movie, music mix is 25% movie 75% music. Adcom 7400 amp (Next to replace). Sony SACD555ES player and Toshiba 9200 DVD are the digi sources, but I'm also have a Clearaudio Champion TT wih RB300 arm and Aurum betaS cart going through a Gram Anp for vinyl plus a tuner and VCR.

Looking for primo two channel analog performance, good surround processing and analog passthrough video switching. (Can eliminate video but would kindof like it. Can't go over 4k. Any thoughts, ruminations and assistance?

Showing 1 response by jpharris

Thanks for the input. I was hoping to audition today but an ice storm is keeping me in. I had a sitter lined up for the daughter and I was hoping to enjoy a self indulgent afternoon. Does anyone know why the Classe SSP30 is already on a MkII? That never gives me warm fuzzies.

Fiesta Bowl tonight... GO BUCKS!!!

(I know a win is not real likely, but I don't care!)