New Old Thiel CS6 Speakers--Too Harsh

Hi All,

New pair of Thiel CS6 Speakers. First true pair of 'audiophile' speakers (...still might go back to my Kappa 7's and 8's).

Imaging and that 'holographic' sound is pretty good on the Thiels but not as good as the JBL 4312a's.  But again I am plagued by harshness in my system. It seems detail and excellent spatial performance just equates to brittle, harsh and painful in my room. I like to listen at rather loud volumes.

Frequencies that appear to be the problem are between 2khz all the way up to 16khz. If I EQ the system is listenable. 

The other issue the Thiels seem to have is out of phase low bass due to the passive radiator. Can anyone confirm this?

Here is my setup right now:
Modwright Oppo 105d (physical media and streaming)
Sonic Frontiers Line 2 preamp
Conrad-Johnson Premier 350 
14x17 room, on concrete slab carpeted with additional thick throw rug, heavy velour drapes over windows, bare walls and cd/record shelves, nothing on the ceiling.

What is causing the tizzy sharpness in my system/room?

So far the Infinity Kappa Series with its ribbon tweeters has sounded best in my room. The 8's are very impactful and tonally very complete. The 7's are close, not quite as impactful but have better imaging due to lower tweeter height. 

....and I don't want truth. I want beauty.




Showing 2 responses by prof

I had the Thiel CS6 and it's hard to imagine someone's description being more opposite from what they sounded like at my place.

For me they were beautifully smooth, rich, easy to listen to, with some of the most dense, punchy, focused bass and among the most focused, holographic imaging I've heard.

So...I dunno what's going on with your pair.

(I had a good listening room and powered them with Conrad Johnson premier 12 amps, which helped, I'm sure).


I can't make sense of your claim.

What could the Oppo 105d possibly be doing to the signal, either playing media or streaming, that could cause "sharpening" of the sound?