New MOFI speaker (Andrew Jones)

Here is some info on the new MOFI/Jones speaker:



smart next product in the launch plan

i always kinda wonder how the midrange purity would be with the tweet crossed over into the 10 in woof, neither perfectly suited to the vocals range ... 8 in driver may well produce more precise, purer mids, at some sacrifice to the bass depth and impact, and overall easefulness of the sound

i am sure one or more of the talking heads on the ’tube will do a comparo soon! ... or maybe someone here!

Looks like they are $2750 sans stands and $2999 with the stands. According to the link above...

I really enjoyed the SP 10’s sound, but the size was a bit too much for my living space to where i had to unload them. I would be willing to revisit them at the smaller size in exchange for less bass depth and slam.

  • SP 10: 14.5” x 22.5” x 16.6” (WxHxD), 46.2 lbs each

  • SP 8: 11.4” x 18” x 13.2” (WxHxD), 27.9 lbs each

I think most people will find the 8" driver of the SP-8 to more than satisfy for their musical needs. I have a 7" driver in my two way Atalante 3 monitors and they are just a tad shy in the bass compared to my JBL 4319s with their 12" driver, but that's  in my small-ish room. I get all the bass I need with that 7" driver.

This is a smart move by Mofi in reducing the imposing size of the SP-10 to accommodate tastes and the old WAF.

All the best,

With most of the research cost already sunk in the Source 10, a smaller and cheaper version is something that makes sense.  I've seen and heard the Source 10 (pretty nice sounding speaker), and while I liked how it looked, it struck me as being a bit too large for a lot of rooms as far as aesthetics are concerned.  The Source 8 should find favor in most domestic settings.  If bass extension and high volume capability are the primary areas of compromise vis-a-vis the Source 10, that won't be too bad because it struck me that the Source 10 had plenty to spare in these areas.  If it is efficiency that suffers the most, that would be a bigger deal as the best sounding amps (to me) are somewhat low in power.