
Responses from cold_pillow

Devore O/96 with high powered amplifiers
Not an O/96 owner, but I did watch Ken Micallef's interview of John Devore where they discuss John's system. In it John, mentions that some high-powered amps do not like the O/96's high impedance. His example was the change from a long-time Paraso... 
Streamer and Dac ~$4.5k for Vinnie Rossi, Dynaudio system
Thanks for putting the Pontus II and Iris DDC on the radar, @soix . For some reason I had overlooked Denafrips. It seems like the Pontus is a good place to start in their lineup. I read that the Venus offers a different presentation that is more d... 
New MOFI speaker (Andrew Jones)
Audiophile Junkie just posted an interview with Andrew Jones on the SP 8: It's the exact same driver as in the SP 10 but trimmed to size.  
New MOFI speaker (Andrew Jones)
I really enjoyed the SP 10’s sound, but the size was a bit too much for my living space to where i had to unload them. I would be willing to revisit them at the smaller size in exchange for less bass depth and slam. SP 10: 14.5” x 22.5” x 16.... 
PS Audio S300 amplifier- tube preamplifier recommendation
@lmartinez_02170 what did you think about the LTA MZ2 + S300 combo? I'm curious to hear about your experience as I've been contemplating a similar setup of MZ2/3 + Class D. Cheers!  
New MOFI speaker (Andrew Jones)
Which (less than $3,500) amps do people recommend running with their SourcePoint 10s? I recently acquired a pair and am driving them with an old Rotel RA-970BX. The sound is great so far, but the bass could be tighter and mids a touch more pronoun...