New Magico Speaker Break-in Question

This afternoon, I received my new Magico A5s, which replaced Revel Studios that I have owned for more than 20 years. The A5s are definitely more clear, have superior imaging and provide at least equal soundstaging. The bass is tighter, but, with three 9" woofers, I am surprised that it doesn't go very deep at all (fortunately, I have two SVS SB17-Ultra subwoofers that will easily take care of that shortcoming).

However, there is one aspect of these A5's performance that I find a bit disquieting and the reason for this post. The treble in the 2KHz to 5KHz seems to be a little [what I'll call] shrieking; it is somewhat uncomfortable to listen to for an extended time. I know that this loudspeaker uses a beryllium tweeter, and I have never had a speaker before that employed one. Perhaps, its tonality is what I am reacting to .

And so, my question. I have read that it takes 250+ hours for the A5s to break-in and become the speaker that Mr. Wolf and his colleagues intended. As part of that break-in, will the tweeter also blossom and become easier to listen to? 

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Showing 1 response by deep_333

Fatigue and some level of your reference to a ’shriek’ may continue to be there. A metallic sheen in the midrange shall also be hard to ignore.

It is fine for electronic music, etc, but, if you really know something, for example, about ’how’ a violin, etc sounds and then heard the magico or a wilson, prepare for some disappointment. Fortunately, it came with a 30 or 60 day return window, I hope.

But, it isn’t all a sob story...Get a mofi 888. Since the latter was designed by a high iq individual, you can get a high caliber of sound at a fraction of the cost....Gobs of bass, non-fatiguing detail, coherent, listenable for long periods, etc.

Donate cash saved to the grandson for his house down-payment and hifi rig.