New Improved Fink Team Borg Episode 2 Speakers : End-Game Speakers ?

This could be your End-Game speakers for life ! The all new Groundbreaking SoulNote A-3 Integrated amp could be your End-Game Amp too !

More info on the new Fink Team Borg Episode 2 Speakers

Review on the older Fink Team Borg Speakers !

I’m saving my pennies for this system now...


Showing 5 responses by whipsaw

I find the claims in the above post to be ludicrous. I own the FinkTeam KIM two-way speakers, and have no doubt that they would blow away the "small 2 way floorstanding speakers that cost tens of thousands less" that he mentions.

Setting aside that there are many reasons why listening to speakers at shows is a very dubious way to get a good handle on the sound that they produce, no serious listener would confuse the Borg with small two-way speakers.

Among other things, the custom-made AMT tweeter is outstanding. I moved from Harbeth to the FinkTeam speakers, and not only gained speed and bass impact, but do not feel as though I am missing out on the reproduction of voices or acoustic instruments.

Plucking out a single published spec, and writing off a speaker on that basis without ever having auditioned it?


So this:

Frequency response 32hz to 32khz +10 -10 DB. No thank you!

is not equivalent to writing them off? 😂

As for the aesthetics, this may come as a surprise to you, but not everyone’s views will necessary align with your preferences!

Finally, there is no need for me to purchase them, as I have already mentioned that I own the two-way FinkTeam KIM, and they are the best speakers that I have owned in ~40 years in the game.


Yeah, I'm sure that the AMT that you heard in the '70s were equivalent to the custom designed versions employed by Karl-Heinz Fink 50 years later.


Then you – an anonymous internet poster – tell readers that you have, or have heard cheaper speakers that "blow away" the FinkTeam speakers, while at the same time admonishing them not to take published reviews seriously.

How, exactly, do you expect to be taken seriously when you make such ludicrous comments?


To illustrate the absurdity of making unsupported claims, while suggesting that published reviews by serious reviewers are by definition useless (or worse), interested readers should take a few minutes to read Martin Colloms' review of the FinkTeam KIM speakers through the link below (it's a pdf file that can be read online).

Colloms was a speaker designer, and he covers many detailed bases in this review, including measurements.

Of course readers are also free to follow the impressively supported advice of @p05129 , if they prefer.  😂


Hi-Fi Critic Review FinkTeam KIM