New Eversolo DMP-A10

Anybody see this thing that recently launched? Eversolo DMP-A10 which is a step up from the A8, just like the A8 was a step up from A6.

It sells for $3680 which is an unusual number, but the A8 had a weird price too. That extra money gets a much more impressive, larger enclosure, better DAC section, better power supply, improved clocking, isolation for better signal purity, and a bunch of other tweaks for sound quality. Features are expanded too, with room correction being the main thing but there are some more little things too.

I'm a sucker for Eversolo and will definitely be picking this up at some point soon. I feel like if this was sold by another brand it would cost way more money. 



Showing 4 responses by v-fi

@jjtarnow The A8 already sounds excellent, so there's nothing wrong with sticking to that one. I think the room correction in the A10 might be a big deal for some people and totally unwelcome for other people, so that really depends. Build quality appears to be a big step up but again the A8 is still very nice already. I guess at this point we just don't know how much all the little upgrades and tweaks in the A10 add up to as far as sound quality. 

@koestner I think Eversolo probably expects you to mainly be using the internal DAC on the A10. But I agree, it's a little weird to see that missing. They do supposedly improve the USB output with better isolation so maybe they just think that's good enough? My experience is that I2S is the best choice for some DACs but not in all cases, and they don't all work together anyway (there is no standard) so it's kind of unpredictable. 

@exley_99 Agree on the website, it's annoying. The A6 used a more entry level ESS DAC solution. The A8 uses the top model from AKM. The A10 is back to ESS but using the newly released top model. Any of them have potential to sound great or not, it's all in the implementation. But I can see why Eversolo felt the need to switch, just to differentiate the A10 from A8 in that area. Would have to hear it to decide how it really sounds though.

I would think if you are a prime member it would be a painless return. And I am not sure the tariff thing was anything more than a campaign promise that won't really materialize (as is the case with most campaign talking points from most politicians throughout history). But we'll see. 


Oh that's interesting. I was not aware of that. Seems like it should have been an easy fix with firmware updates so not sure how the ball got dropped so badly there. Especially since McIntosh is not some fringe tiny brand with few users. I've used about a dozen DACs with my A8 and no problems but the McIntosh problem is still cause for concern. 

Thanks for the interesting stories. I guess it's yet another situation in life where we think everything is great until some issue comes up, and then we get to find out how good/bad the company is when it comes to service and support.

Unfortunately for streaming devices it seems most aren't great. My journey has involved issues of some type from Cambridge, Matrix, Innuos, Bluesound, and Aurender (although the latter was quite a while ago). Finally satisfied with Eversolo in my headphone system and Auralic in the big rig. I've seen lots of people have trouble with Auralic streaming gear, even if I have not (yet). I guess the same goes for Eversolo now as well. 

Same, I'm happy with both the A6 and the A8 in the places I use them, and plan on grabbing an A10 at some point soon as well. Curious to hear thoughts on how they compare.