New Dedicated Line - Almost No improvement


Newbie here and electrical idiot. Just moved to a new to us house in Tampa. Before we moved in I had an electrician put in a dedicated line (has it's own breaker switch) which is 10 gauge and two Furutech GTX-D outlets - Rhodium.

When I hooked up the EMI meter in my old house, which didn't have a dedicated line, the reading was usually around 26 or so IIRC. At the new house the outlets are 89 usually and the dedicated line is usually around 82 - so not much help for the cost of the "project" and pretty noisy.

Also, when the ac /hvac is running the meter reads about 100 points higher (!) for both the regular outlets and the dedicated Furutechs. Not good.

Thoughts? Does the dedicated line need it's own breaker box? 

I'm also considering a line conditioner but wanted to see what could be done here. Thanks.


Showing 1 response by mapman

In some cases things like a dedicated line ends up being more of an Insurance policy for best performance than otherwise and one might never accrue any concrete benefit. That appeals to many Audiophile types that are always on the lookout for whatever they think they might be missing.

The benefits of a dedicated line is more and cleaner power and current. How much that actually matters will vary case by case. Depending mainly on relative noise levels otherwise and does that even matter with the specific gear in play and how much current an amp must draw to function optimally. That’s about it.


Insurance policies may be beneficial for peace of mind alone if nothing else. YMMV.  Other than additional cost, a dedicated line done well should never hurt.