You have a very nice and well balanced system. The weak link on the PS DL 3 is the USB input. I assume you are using the DAC in the Node 2 for streaming purposes and the DL3 with your CD player as transport. I sold my first DL3 about 5 years ago, because I needed additional inputs (used a USB/SPDIF converter which took up the only coax input) converter. Just recently bought another DL3 to use in a second system. I believe the DL3 to be a very good sounding and well built DAC at current used prices. In my opinion it would take considerably more money to do much better (unless USB is required). If I was looking to upgrade beyond the DL3 I would consider a DAC that could serve both the bluesound and disc player.
What is your budget for a DAC?
What is your budget for a DAC?