New Cowboy Junkies- Wow

I just picked up the new Cowboy Junkies disc, "Early 21st Century Blues" and it's fantastic! It's the first Junkies album I've picked up since "The Trinity Sessions" but the track list on this looked cool, lots of interesting covers, so I said what the heck. Boy am I glad I did! There's a Dylan tune, two Springsteen tunes, one George Harrison, and my favorite Richie Havens "Handouts In The Rain". They even do a U2 tune, "One"! It's available pretty much everywhere, check it out.

Showing 2 responses by jond

So how'd you like my speakers and what did you drive them with? I'm currently using an 18 watt per side KR Audio tube amp and I'm amazed at how easy they are to drive and how great they sound. In my small room a sub isn't really needed. I get usable output down to 40hz, that's good enough for me and I'm sure my neighbors thank me as well. Everyone enjoy the disc, also a similar recommendation, everyone should pick up the debut album of The Great Unknowns if you like Americana music and I'm guessing you all do. It's on Daemon records and it's an amazing record, good sound, great tunes. Enjoy!