New Aurender conductor V4 app

Just downloaded and am trying out the new version of Conductor.I like a few things about it immediately,mostly the added link to Wikipedia for artist info, but am not wild about having to make two actions instead of one to add a new song to the playlist. I get why you need to do that for the new features but Its a bit clunky.I think I,ll probably prefer it long term ,but just getting used to it now.Anyone else have any thoughts?


Showing 1 response by cmjones

This is a bump to try to get a new feature added to Conductor - Album Favorite. I had an N20 which I thought sounded very good. This year I upgraded to an N20 which sounds excellent, and will be my final server. I listen exclusively to local files. 

I found Conductor to be somewhat clunky compared to BluOS which I had used for years. BluOS has two features which should be standard on every player - favorite album (along with song) and access to Amazon Music. These two are lacking on Conductor, although support tells me they are on the future feature list. When you ID a song as a favorite, it also shows up on the fave album list - but not the whole album, just the song. I find it overly clicky to have to navigate from the album list to the song then to the album to play the entire album. Favorite album is obviously a standard feature, and should be very easy to replicate from the code for favorite song.

Aurender: bring you standard feature set up to industry standards!