New Audiophile - Upgrade Amp First or CDP First?

I'm somewhat ashamed to say (at least in this crowd) that I've been living with Technics and Philips for years and years. I always wanted an audiophile system, but never wanted to invest the funds before now. At least I had a pair of Infinity RS-5B speakers.

Anyway, it was recently that I knew I finally had to bite the bullet and upgrade. I started with a great used pair of Paradigm 11se Mk II speakers. Not brand new or anything major in the audiophile world, but a world of difference for me who needs to start at a budget.

My plans next are to upgrade to getting an Outlaw RR2150 receiver and an Ah! Njoe Tjoeb 4000 CDP with the updgrades including the upsampler.

My question is, which one should I get first? I'll only likely be able to afford one at a time. Which would make the biggest impact in improving my system - replacing my Technics amp with the Outlaw or replacing my Philips CDP with the Ah! Njoe Tjoeb?

Also, I'm open to any other advice/suggestions from people who've been doing this longer or a lot longer than me. Thanks!

Showing 1 response by rich3549

For $1600.00.

1. Preamp with pass through Adcom 575, Primare preamp (750) because it has a Home Theater Pass-Through. Your choices are more if you use a preamp without pass through, but then you will have to deal with two vol controls.
2. Decent Amp (CJ, BK, Forte, Quad, etc) (250-800)
3. Basic Surround sound receiver (used 250-300)
Depending on how you configure, you will get close to your budget. This way you have the best of both worlds. A great sounding 2 channel...and when we want to listen to a movie, the receiver's front channels will go through the preamp/amp combo.